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It was now read through day and everyone was excited but Alyssa because she hadn't seen Ricky since he had tried to apologize. To say non the least that she had cried a lot since that argument. Ricky really hurt her when he stopped talking to her and then right after that Nini stopped talking to her as well and they just kept living their lives like nothing had ever happened and like what they had as friends never existed. But now Alyssa has Gina and she is greatful for that, Gina has been a real great friend to Alyssa since auditions.

"Can everyone please take their assigned seats please." Miss. Jenn asks which makes everyone then go looking for their names, Alyssa finds her seat next to Gina, which she was really happy about, "Don't forget to silence your phones!" Miss. Jenn announces as her and Carlos sit down as well.

"I realize that you all walked in here as strangers." Miss. Jenn says.

"Actually, EJ is my cousin." Ashlyn said as EJ gives her a light smile.

"But after today, you are a family." Miss. Jenn says as she ignores the young girl, "One tribe, committed to lifting this classic film from new heights-" Alyssa tuned her out for a second, "Take your neighbors hands," They all then take each others hands, "Feel each others energy. Let the silence speak volumes. In a world full of no, this is a space full of yes." She then starts to sing We Are All In This Together and going through some exercises, they finally get to the actual read through part of the day.

"Hey! Alyssa wait up!" Ricky calls out but the young girl keeps on walking though but is soon stopped as Ricky steps in front of her, "Hey, did you get my voicemail?" The young boy asked but she didn't know what voicemail he was talking about.

"What voice-" She was soon interrupted by Ricky.

"Look...I just want to apologize for the last year and how I have acted towards you."

"Its whatever Ricky, I am so over it." She then turns around to walk away but is then stopped by his voice but it wasn't his voice that stopped her it was what he said.

"I should have called! I should have called or stopped by after your mom died! But I didn't! Because I was afraid." She then turns around to look at him.

"Afraid of what?" She asked him and she wanted an honest answer for once.

"Of losing you, I wanted to give you space,I felt you slipping through my fingertips and I knew you were mad at me so I gave you space and time because that's what I thought you needed and I didn't think you wanted to see me."

"My mom died Ricky...She died and I needed my best friends more then anything and you weren't there! You weren't there! Because you were to busy with your Nini drama to even care about what I was going through."

"That's not true-" He tries to intervene but she doesn't let him.

"I'm not done!" She says as he looks at her shocked, "Everything I am saying is true, you were never there when I needed you! I was always there for you no matter what and the one time I needed you, you weren't there! My mom died and not once did you check in and god! I'm not having this conversation with you!" She then went to walk but he grabbed her arm which made her glare at him and he let her go automatically.

She walked away and she saw then bumped into someone which made her drop her stuff she bent down to grab her stuff and she was met with another hand. She then looked up to see EJ Caswell bent down as well trying to grab the stuff.

"I am so sorry." She says as she picks up her stuff before standing up.

"No, its fine, are you okay?" He asks as he could tell she was upset.

"Yeah...I'm fine! I gotta go!" She says before she starts to walk away leaving the boy in confusion.


(TW: Mentions of abuse)

"Hey! Alyssa!" She then turns to see her brother Wyatt, "You okay? EJ told me that you seemed off earlier when he bumped into and that you were in a hurry to get somewhere. Is everything okay?" Wyatt asked her concerned.

"Yeah um...its just that me and Ricky had a little argument earlier right before I ran into EJ so..." She then trailed off.

"Ricky again? I swear if he doesn't back off he is going to have some issues."

"Wyatt, I can handle myself." Alyssa defends.

"I know that but you still don't need him coming into your life now to make things worse...not when things at home are bad enough." Wyatt says referring to their dad, after their mom died their dad went off the rails and started drinking and more recently more abusive. He started hitting the siblings about a month ago but it only happens when he is drunk so they try and avoid him when he is drunk at all cost.

"I appreciate your concern but I got this under control." She smiles to him before she heads off to her last class of the day.

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