To Build A Home

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Overlook: 8 Years Later~

Good endings can be boring, but they can also make much more sense than a random bad ending.

A little after moving away from the crumbling ruin that was Hawkins, Steve had asked Eddie to marry him, and, of course, he had said yes with all the enthusiasm of a kid on Christmas, and more. They adopted a little girl called Mary, and they're great dads to her. Mary knows that she is loved.

Lucas and Max's relationship had survived through everything, despite their constant break ups in between, and they got married in Spring of 1994. Some people may say that they had moved to fast into marriage, but they couldn't be happier. Lucas Sinclair and Maxine Mayfield were practically made for each other. Soulmates, if you will.

Robin had quickly decided that moving to a place she somewhat recognised would be her smartest decision, so she packed her bags, and got on the next flight to Chicago, and you'll never guess who she met there. Contrary to popular belief, Nancy didn't hate Robin in the slightest. In fact, it might've been the very opposite.

El sees a councillor now, and she has a therapist. She's getting much better, what with the weekly visits, and letters from her friends. El also found out that she has a strong love for cats, and now - naturally - she has five. They're better than any human company she had ever invited into her ivy covered cottage.

Dustin dropped his pride, and went to find Suzie in Utah, which, surprisingly, was met with enthusiasm from her.

Joyce and Hopper are still happily married.

Jonathan started dating new people.

Argyle ended up quitting drugs, and smoking, despite all his reluctance. Eden seemed to like this.


Fresh out of the Upside Down, Mike could remember an uptight looking man in a suit approach him, and the rest of the group, with a large suitcase. His presence was not at all welcomed.
"It's probably a government agent," Max had whispered in El's ear, and she was right. The man, seeming to have not heard Max's words, slicked back his gel ridden hair, a tight smile on his face.

"Good- um, afternoon. I assume you plan to move out of the country with your family's?"
He was not dignified with a response, but powered through anyways.
"We expect you to keep quiet about this ordeal, yes? You understand that the public would not like the real reason to why Hawkins is now uninhabitable, correct?" Without even waiting for a reply, the man pressed the suitcase into Mike's hands.

Mike looked down at it, frowning. Will scoffed.
"It's obviously hush money."
Mike nodded, scowling, and Max stepped forwards.
"This is bullshit, people deserve to know—"
"Is this all we're getting?"
"We don't want your money—"
"Yes we do!"

The man cleared his throat, and the arguing immediately ceased.
"We— I suggest that you take the money, and move away in peace, instead of spreading lies to innocent civilians. Good day."
The man tipped his hat to the group, and then turned on his heel, his polished shoes clicking against the frosted ground.
"But it's not a lie, it's the perfect truth, and you know that!" Will had seethed, and, predictably, went unnoticed.

Although the entire situation ( that, and practically being told to shut up by a government official ) had equally pissed off the whole group, that money had set them up for a good start in their lives.

October fifth, 1995.

Will gave an exaggerated sigh of frustration as he bent over his new watercolour artwork, occasionally looking out of the open window in front of him. He had been working on it for the past two hours, and just couldn't seem to get it right. Granted, the entire art piece wasn't really expected to be finished in such a short amount of time, but Will wanted to push it to the side as quickly as humanely possible - to complete the book. So here he was, sitting in his office, newly sharpened pencil pressed against the sheet of paper in front of him, with a warm, evening breeze blowing into his face.

There was a knock at the door, and Will called that it was already open. His fiancé, Michael, walked into the room with two mugs of coffee in his hands, and Will gave him a tired smile. The man moved to place the mugs onto his lover's desk, giving Will a brief kiss on the cheek. "Thought you might need a
pick-me-up," he said, eyes bright. Will brought his own mug to his lips, sipping it shortly, before putting it back onto his desk. Mike gave Will a soft frown, pulling up a chair to sit next to him. "I thought you were done with work for today?"

Will sighed, pushing away the sketch paper. "I know, I promised, but I just thought I'd get something done before bed." Mike clutched the handle of his mug. "You're overworking yourself, sweetheart. We don't have to get the book done so soon." Will nodded at him, turning to bury his face in his hands. Mike cuddled him for a while, before their dog, Moxie, came bounding into the room, her tail wagging behind her. Will glanced at the dog, his face immediately lighting up. Moxie went up to him, and he stroked her fur, smiling. Mike laughed, pulling away, and Moxie barked.

"I think she wants you to get off work too, Will."
Will looked up, a chuckle escaping his lips. "Well, if Moxie wants that, then who am I to object?"
Standing up with his hand linked with Mike's, Will walked downstairs to the living room. The couple decided on a film to watch, and snuggled on the couch, with Moxie laying on the rug at their feet, her easy breathing slowly becoming a soother. Mike talked throughout the entire film, one hand around Will, and the other making wild gestures towards the TV screen. To anyone else, it would've easily been annoying, but Will found it cute.

The warm feeling Mike felt when he was around Will had never really disappeared as the two went on in their relationship. It was there when he kissed Will, and when Will kissed him, and there when they would eventually get married, and it would always be there, because both had found their other half, their one and only.

♡︎ ♡︎ ♡︎ ♡︎ ♡︎ ♡︎ ♡︎ ♡︎ ♡︎

A/N: Hello lovely people, the story has finally come to an end! What do you think about it, and, most importantly, the length of the last chapter? I feel like it was a bit too long, but it felt appropriate for a finale, and the death of Vecna.

Anyways, I found a fan art photo of Mike and Will at Senior Prom, and, even though I didn't write it in, I thought I'd still show it (since it's literally a holy masterpiece) —

Anyways, I found a fan art photo of Mike and Will at Senior Prom, and, even though I didn't write it in, I thought I'd still show it (since it's literally a holy masterpiece) —

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A few pointers before I go-

-El is asexual in this fanfic.
-Sorry for getting rid of Jancy here.
-Lumax is bi (real!!!)
-And Byler is totally Canon (I'm secretly the third Duffer Brother!!)

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