Swipe Right (E.O)

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Lizzie's POV

I was chilling at my trailer, when Scarlett came in with a cup of coffee for the both of us. She locked the door behind her, handed me the cup of coffee and proceeded to sit beside me.

"How's your day?" she asked.

I took a sip of my coffee first before I answered, "Tiring. We've been doing the same stunt for the past 2 hours. I just can't get it right." I sighed as I leaned back on the couch.

She ran her hand on my arm soothingly, "I'm sure you're gonna get it. You're incredible at your work, you're definitely gonna get it right soon." she said with much comfort in her voice.

We talked about our day for almost an hour before she asked me something about my dating life. She's been bugging me to use a dating site which I shut down almost every time she'd suggest it.

"How about, I make you your account? Then, you get to choose whoever the person you wanna date. Like, you get to choose if you swipe left or swipe right." she said with an enthusiastic manner.

"No, uh-uh. I don't wanna date a person I've met on the internet." I quickly denied, "I mean, what if that person is a murderer? Or a rapist? Or maybe, that person just wants to rob me? I don't know." I rambled.

"Hey, relax. Of course we're gonna look for the person who is trustworthy. We're gonna look through their profile, chat with them at some point, then you guys can go on an actual date."

I just sighed. I mean, I got out of my last relationship almost a year ago, so I think it's kinda reasonable to start to enter the dating world again, I just didn't expect it to be like this way. basically trying a date with an absolute stranger.

"Fine." I huffed, "Make me a profile." I declared which earned a loud cheer. I pulled out my phone and handed it to her. She quickly grabbed it and started to do her business.

She spent 5 minutes on my phone before she came up to me and handed my phone back.

"Okay, I want you to pick a photo of yourself." she commanded which I complied without a second thought. I chose a photo of me wearing a yellow blouse while I'm standing in the middle of the road. She nodded in acknowledgment and she took my phone back. "Now, I want you to tell me which gender you're definitely interested."

I looked at her, contemplating what to answer, "Can you just put both? I like men and women." I said softly.

She sat down by my side again, and handed me my phone, "There, it's all done. All you have to do is swipe left if you don't like them or swipe right if you think they're the one for you. Simple as that." she explained briefly.

I nodded my head and thanked her quickly since I'm being called on set. I've finished my scenes and the director called it a day for all of us. I was driving home when my phone buzzed, I ignored it since it's just Scarlett.

Once I arrived home, I parked my car in my driveway and got inside my empty house. I went to my bedroom to change my clothes into a more comfortable one. After my nightly routine, I flopped on my bed and checked my phone. I checked Scarlett's message which only consists of her encouraging me to try the app.

I looked for the app and opened it. It was full of men showing off their toned bodies and bright eyes and all. But I came across this profile, which is interesting enough for me to swipe right. I closed the app and threw my phone on the other side of my bed, breathing out heavily.

When I thought I was falling asleep, my phone chimed. I reached out for it and opened my eyes and I saw a notification from the app says Match Found . I can't help but smile widely when they Dm-ed me.

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