"Shut up, skank!" She snaps, standing up from her seat and making Mrs. Schmuck jump from her seat.

"Miss Thomas! Just what do you think you are doing?!" The teacher exclaims, looking at Melissa in utter surprise.

Melissa growls under her breath. "Go back to reading your book, Mrs. Schmuck." She snaps, causing the teacher to fumble and stammer a little bit before plopping down in her seat and focusing harshly on her cheesy romance book.

My eyebrows shoot up in surprise as I watch the teacher do this, wondering why on earth a teacher would be so afraid of a teenage girl in her class. This questioning thought lingers in my mind for about five seconds before Melissa turns to glare at me and the answer to my wonderment is clear.

This. Girl. Is. Scary.

Remember how I mentioned that she was captain of the school softball team? Yea, well now I can see why.

She stood at probably five feet and nine inches-possibly ten. I gulped and slowly stood up, letting her know that even if I am intimidated, I am not some wimp who will let her abuse me.

I let enough of that happen at home.

She glares down at me, placing her hands on her hips as everyone in the class watches with an excited attentiveness.

"Look, Melissa-" I start, only to be cut off.

"He was right you know." She spits at me, causing me to tense up.

Please don't be talking about who I think you are talking about.

"I am sorry?" I question, deciding to just play dumb in this situation and not let her know how nervous her words made me.

"What Will Thatcher said to you. He is too good for you. You are unimportant and would never be enough for him to glance your way." She says, smiling smugly as I clench my jaw, using all of my self-control to not maul her right where she stands.

"I don't really care what he said, nor do I care for your extra opinion." I respond tightly, my voice clipped and cold.

She smirks at me reaction as she crosses her arms in a smug way. "Oh, but I think you do. But didn't you hear? He even told his real friends that he only hung around out of pity. I mean, we all know-thanks to you-that Jill Hale isn't your birth mother, which must obviously mean that your real parents didn't even love you enough to live with you." She taunted me, each mention of my parents sending a knife through my heart. Though, there was one thing that caught my attention from her oh so helpful speech.

"You said Will said that?" I asked her, my voice tight and hoarse.

She smirked and nodded her head. "Yup. He told it to anybody who asked of his feelings toward you. He said he was so appalled by that idea that he would rather become a celibate than have a relationship with you."

The bell rings but Melissa, I, and the rest of the class ignore it, remaining in the spots we are at. I narrow my eyes at her as the rude comment just slips out of my lips. "Do you even know what 'celibate' means? No, you probably don't. You are too absorbed in hitting a ball with a stick and picking on people to make yourself feel good that you probably don't even know when the hell the Declaration of Independence was signed. Tell me one thing, did George Washington sign the Declaration of Independence?" I question, crossing my arms in a challenging manner as pure anger and hostility radiated from my body.

"I'm sorry?" She questions me disbelievingly.

"Oh, so you are deaf too?" I click my tongue. "My, my, that is rather unfortunate. You see, while I might be a little disappointed that Will doesn't have feelings for me, at least I have the decency to respect myself and my boundaries. I don't need to shove my tongue down the throat of the whole baseball team to get the attention of boys and fake friends." Her mouth drops open as I so blatantly insult her, but I don't stop there. "You see, I might not be the most popular girl, or the best at getting good grades; but you want to know what I do have? Friends. True friends that I can even call family and that I know will always have my back. So in the future, when you end up getting left alone at some crappy-ass party with no one to turn to, I will be living my life surrounded by people that I would willingly lay down my life for. So go ahead, mock me. But know that I don't envy you, nor do I feel ashamed of who I am. If I feel anything at all, it is pity. I pity you and all of the lying bastards who claim to be your friend."

Skater Cinderella (First Edition)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant