university orientation 2 ( form)

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Of course there's a membership form that has to be filled both publicly and privately.

Here is the form to fill, to become a member of the book club:

                Name of Author:
                Book title:
                Tags: at least 5 persons
                Info about the book:
                Is it matured:
                Have you followed the rules:

If you're not yet a writer but you want to join the club, all you just need to do, is to mention us on your bio, message board and on our mb saying that you want to join the club, it's simple
So try it

Remember this two things👇

Part 1: A pledge not to follow for follow and unfollow and then promise to abide by every rule of the club including being a committed member.

Fav. Genres: this would help us pair you into a group.
And an aim of joining the club.

Part 2: You have to mention that you have join the club and that you're a part of the family in their and on your message board and bio

A follow to the university and the vice president.
The link is here
It's compulsory, this proves you're a member

This club must be on your public reading list and private library

Once all this is done and you're accepted, you'll be given a membership number which is to be kept confidential...

And remember it. It'll come in handy .

Promote one book at a time, so that others can get chances

Other forms to fill will be known later on

Other Rules
:: Be nice
:: All books must be in English
:: Don't be a silent reader( vote and comment on the members books)
::No hate as said in the previous chapter.

Help request....

We'll soon be helping make book covers if needed and when we do we'll let you fellow legends know.

You have to promise us that you'll be a committed and consistent and just remember you're always welcome

Be an active member

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