"I think they forgot about us." Matt said, laughing
"well what the fuck do we do now?" Bryar said feeling lost, "What if they locked the school up already?"
"Relax. My mom used to work for the school, I know where the keys are." Matt said , "But when would you ever be alone in a school like this? I think we should have some fun." Matt said smirking

Matt got up and grabbed Bryar's hand, leading her out of the room. He started to run down the hall

"Come on you're so slow oh my god"
"Sorry I'm not fast enough for your liking." Bryar said trying to catch up. Matt stops, reaching the door that leads outside the school.
"You know what? Let's just bail." Matt said, his smile fading
"What why?" Bryar said almost frowning
"I think we should go somewhere else."
"Ok..." Bryar says following Matt as they walk out the door.

They decided to go for a walk, since they had no ride home from school. As they were walking, they passed their middle school playground. Bryar saw the playground and immediately thought of bad memories. As she turned to look at Matt, who seemed lost in thought, she knew he was thinking about the same thing.


Bryar and Matt had been enemies since the 6th grade. But prior to that, they were actually really good friends. They were so close, until one day Matt kind of ghosted her. He stopped talking to her in class and wouldn't even look at her for months. Bryar had no clue what she did, but she was sad to loose her friend. So one day she walked up to him and asked why he ignored her.

"Matt, why are you being such a jerk! You haven't talked to me in weeks!" Bryar said, anger building up inside her
"It doesn't matter ok? I just don't wanna be friends anymore I thought I made that clear?" Matt said rolling his eyes
"Why? Did I do something? You aren't giving a good explanation."
"Yeah. You did."
"WHAT DID I DO? Please tell me I don't wanna lose one of my best friends." Bryar said, a tear falling from her face.
"It doesn't matter. Please just leave me alone." Matt said turning away from her.
"I hate you. " Bryar said, storming off, tears rolling down her cheeks.

Since that day on the playground, the two have never been the same.


Thinking back on the memory, Bryar started to walk faster past the playground, Matt following shortly behind. She felt her phone buzz


chris 🤘
yo ry lmk when you get out of detention
i wanna go to mcdonalds and you're my fav person to go eat with

bryar 💋
awww chris im flattered 🥰
yea whatever we ditched detention so I'll meet you at your house soon
we're on our way there now

chris 🤘
great see you soon 🫶


"who are you texting?"
bryar looks up from her phone, "Chris, why?"
"Oh of course you are."
"Huh? What's that supposed to mean?" Bryar says, a frown forming on her face
"You guys can't go to seconds without seeing or talking to each other." Matt says rolling his eyes , "It's honestly so annoying."
"Matt, why the sudden change in mood? We were just having fun you asshole." Bryar says rolling her eyes now
"I don't know, and I don't know why I was being nice. I shouldn't have stuck up for you at lunch. You're a bitch. And honestly if you did sit with Josh at lunch today, that probably would've been better. You should sit there tomorrow." Matt says walking away

Bryar stood on the sidewalk, not knowing what to do. What kind of jerk leaves a girl to walk alone? She could literally get kidnapped for all she knows and Matt doesn't care? And why did he care so much when she said she was talking to Chris? It's so confusing.

Matt's POV:

I was walking with Bryar down the street when we saw the playground. I had one of the worst days of my life on that playground....

I was sitting on the swings when I felt someone tug on it, causing me to almost fall. It was bryar. I have been trying to ignore her ever since she asked Chris to go to the school dance with her and not me. Why would she ask Chris? Me and her are best friends and have been for way longer than her and Chris. Does she have a crush on Chris? She should have a crush on me! I felt so jealous, but it's better if they just have each other. I'll stay out of the way of their stupid love or whatever. So i've been ignoring her.

"Matt, why are you being such a jerk! You haven't talked to me in weeks!" she said, looking at me in a way I've never seen her before.
"It doesn't matter ok? I just don't wanna be friends anymore I thought I made that clear?" I said, but i didn't mean it. Not a single word.
"Why? Did I do something? You aren't giving a good explanation."
"Yeah. You did." And I wasn't lying. She did do something. She hurt my feelings.
"WHAT DID I DO? Please tell me I don't wanna lose one of my best friends." Bryar said, and I watched as a tear fell from her face
"It doesn't matter. Please just leave me alone." I said, turning away from her, as my eyes started to get heavy
"I hate you. " Bryar said, storming off.
I really wish I ran after her. I should've. We could've fixed everything.

And to this day, her and Chris are as close as ever. I'm pretty sure they both like each other still, I mean have you seen them? They're always hugging or sitting near each other, and Chris always loves to be touching her in some way whether it be a hand on her waist, or her thigh, or an arm around her shoulder. It makes me sick to my fucking stomach. I wish that could've been me. But we aren't friends. We haven't been friends since 6th fucking grade.


Bryar started to speed up ahead of me, but slowed down as she pulled her phone out and started texting someone.

"who are you texting?" I said, genuinely curious
bryar looks up from her phone, "Chris, why?"
of fucking course she was texting chris. I could've bet money on it. The one time we were alone, shes texting my brother
"Oh of course you are."
"Huh? What's that supposed to mean?" Bryar said
"You guys can't go to seconds without seeing or talking to each other."I said rolling my eyes, "It's honestly so annoying."
"Matt, why the sudden change in mood? We were just having fun you asshole." Bryar said in a rude manner.
I felt all these emotions, and seeing the playground brought back so many bad memories and I honestly don't know how to handle it.
"I don't know, and I don't know why I was being nice. I shouldn't have stuck up for you at lunch. You are a bitch. And honestly if you did sit with Josh at lunch today, that probably would've been better. You should sit there tomorrow." I say, walking away.

She doesn't realize how much this is hurting me. How much pretending to hate her everyday is killing me inside. How badly I just wanna hug her and have everything be the way it used to. But for now, we're stuck like this. Me, being on the outside as she's probably in love with Chris. And it fucking sucks.

authors note:

oooo some matt pov! im gonna me doing this more often in the series let me know if you like it!!

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