001: The First Sorry Of Many Sorry's

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     Nini hummed.  "Mm, long story."

     "We've got time," Megara motioned to the hallway in front of them.  "At least for five minutes until I have to go to class again."

     Nini laughed.  Megara hated how charming she always sounded, she nearly didn't blame Ricky for whining about her all the time.  Nini was a helping hand, a shoulder to lean on, but more than that, she was truly someone with a heart of gold and would do anything for her friends.  Which made Megara hurt all the more when she thought of the reason why they were fighting in the first place.

     "It's um..." Nini started, fiddling with her own fingers.  "It's sort of... KC?"

     Megara turned to her so fast she thought she might slip on her own shoes in the hallway.  "You're joking, right?"

     "Why?  Is it that unbelievable?" the smile on Nini's face started to fade away as she saw how bewildered Megara was.

     Megara quickly shook her head and tried to fix what she had just said.  "No, I didn't mean it like that, I just didn't know you guys were so close."

     "Yeah, well, it's new," Nini said with a soft hum.  "And I'm not sure what it is yet."

     Megara nodded.  "Say less, I won't say a word," she traced an X over her shoulder with her finger.  "Cross my heart and hope to die."

     Nini chuckled, which made Megara smile.  "Thanks, Meg."

     A year ago, Megara might have been disgusted by the usage of that nickname, but now she was finding that she didn't mind it so much.  "Don't mention it.  Just shoot me a text when you're free, and we can set something up?"

     "Well, I've got nothing today after school," Nini said.

     "Well, you know my dad is off and booked with some client of his, so house is ours if you'd like to come over?" Megara bit her lip, unsure if she was overstepping a line.  Or whatever had been drawn between them last summer.

     To her surprise, Nini nodded.  "Yes, sounds perfect."

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     The next time Megara saw Nini, it was moments after she placed a black mug with the Grinch's face on it under her Keurig on the white and black marble counter, the smell of a fresh cup of hot mocha coffee filling the air, her Pomeranian pup Pumpkin trotting around the house, a re-run of Adventure Time playing quietly on the TV.

     She stupidly had promised Ricky she wouldn't watch anymore Rick and Morty without him.

     When the doorbell rang, Pumpkin ran to the door and the sound of her tiny paws was heard when she moved from the carpet in the living room to the tile that was placed in the entryway.  Megara was close behind, opening the door to find Nini in all her glory.  Both sighed with relieved and welcoming smiles, which was a nice thing to have after all the animosity lately.

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