-Chapter One- Wake Up (pt one)

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6:30am Tuesday September 6th
Amy pov:
This morning was peaceful more peaceful than usual considering I have a seven year old younger sister and she's normally really loud in the morning but it's like there was no one in the house at all I thought nothing of it and got back to my regular schedule. So I just went to my dresser looked inside for what to wear but none of the clothes in there were mine I looked around more and realized this isn't even my room this was weird so I woke up to peace and quiet in another persons house "What is going on today?" I asked myself whispering I guess I'll just wear whatever is in here. So I got dressed then immediately went to through the open bathroom door to put on make up I looked everywhere for some but there was only one colour of eyeshadow yellow so I just didn't wear any. The mirror was behind the cupboard I opened it and my eyes widend immediately the reason everything was different was because I wasn't me I woke up in Sally Acorn's body. I had so many questions what happened when did it happen how did it happen what if Sally is in my body I needed to calm myself down so I took a few deep breaths and walked around the house a little bit. After like six minutes of walking around I got hungry so I went back to the kitchen and after eight minutes of trying to figure out how to work the toaster I finally got the toast in and waited. It poped up and I ate it quickly and found the nearest bus stop to our school.

Blaze pov:
I woke up to a splitting headache at six in the morning with a repeated noise as if someone were to be banging pots together it was obnoxious so I decided I was going to see where it was coming from as I got closer to the noise I also heard a child's voice singing high pitched and annoying I'm not used to kids in my house since it's just me, my dad and my older twin sisters Ash and Flare who are way to responsible to be be A) singing like a child and B) making that much noise in general. My thoughts were interrupted by me being tackled by a kid that seemed to be around the age of seven "Ames your finally awake let's go let's go let's go." She said as she grabbed my wrist and started running down the stairs into a nice kitchen but then when we arrived in the kitchen I might've had an idea of what's going on because I saw Amy's mom making F/F(favourite food) that smellt really good. Anyways back to my point Amy's mom was here the little kid must've been the little sister that Amy keeps saying is really annoying and she called me Ames which is Amy's nickname so either I'm in her body or everyone is playing one huge prank on me and I don't think it's the second one so...

Cream pov:
I woke up this morning with a huge headache I don't know what from but it's probably nothing to worry about I'm just gonna go on with my day. Then as I woke up a little bit more and could see clearly realized the room I woke up in wasn't mine it was way bigger and the walls were a vibrant pink with pictures of Rouge in most of them while my room is smaller and the walls were light blue with a few different pictures of me and my friends I don't what's going on but I should probably just go with it I went through the halls and they were much more different as well again a lot of pictures of Rouge but this time with her parents ok this is getting a bit weirder but I just decided to keep going I made my way down the stairs and saw both Rouge's parents in the kitchen at the table. "Hello Rouge dear" her mom said I just stated still I didn't really know how to respond so I just said "Hi" quietly. As I looked around the room a bit more I noticed a chair with Rouge's name in sparkles on it, If her parents thought I was her than I might as well play along so I sat down without a single word. Just moments later Rouge's dad came in with a beautiful silver platter that you could see yourself in and I did I saw myself it wasn't myself as in Cream it was Me in Rouge's body that sure explains a lot but... how

Sorry for not updating in awhile I have been really busy the first week of school anyways hope you enjoyed

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