Chapter 16: Prepping and Planning

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The group headed back to the dorm tired and hungry, so Morris and Yubin decided to make some quick, healthy, but delicious gimbap. Jisung had finished taking a shower and when out to the kitchen to check on the two when he a sound of coughing and went to see who it is. He notices Kage looking tired and drained. Jisung grew concerned and ask carefully, " Kage hyung, are you okay? You are coughing, looking hurt, and a bit pale." Kage look at Jisung and pointed to his throat and Jisung hiss and said, " come with me to the kitchen, I remember having tea, and cough drops. Drink warm fluids and I will make some soup. I will also let Morris and everyone else know, and go easy on yourselves. You don't want to end up like me who ends up overworked, and sick then I ended up not going to my schedule for a few days but feel like a week." Kage nodded and followed Jisung to the kitchen, but almost fell. Thankfully Jisung catches him and gives him a piggyback ride. " You might have overworked yourself hyung. I will let manager hyung know, right now you need to rest, I will ask Moon if he can stay with you tomorrow and maybe the day afterward if you're not feeling any better. Okay?" Kage nodded against Jisung's back as he was carried to the kitchen. Jisung went over to let Morris and Yubin, who are done with the gimbap know that Kage had overworked himself and needed some comfort but nongreasy food. They nodded and decided to ask Moon who had just come to the kitchen for help after explaining, Moon look in the fridge to see what ingredients they have decided to make Shogayu, a hot ginger drink, and samgyetang. Jisung called the Hyeon-U to explain about Kage and ask him to grab a whole chicken, some ginseng, and ginger. After Hyeon-U said that he get them and will talk to the CEO about it, they said their byes. Jisung then texted Yuta about the situation with Kage and sent it to them.

The other members came and Jisung told them about Kage's situation and they started helping him by either texting him, asking him yes and no questions, getting him some tea, or cuddling him. The sounds of the door knocking are heard and Jisung went to open it to see not only Hyeon-U but also Yuta at the door. Hyeon-U explains that Yuta came because of the text about the fellow Japanese and decided to come over to check. After Hyeon-U handed Jisung the bag of groceries and left, he let Yuta into the dorm. Yuta greeted the members before he sat down next to Kage and started speaking to him in Japanese and said "Kage, I heard from Jisung that you have overworked yourself and now you are not feeling well and may have lost your voice." Kage nodded and stops as his head starts spinning at that. Yuta saw this and said, " don't try to do anything that makes you dizzy. I came here to check on you. Though I do have a particular question. What did you think of Jisung? " Kage grab his phone and started typing before he give it to Yuta. It reads, Jisung is shy at first and nice. His leadership skill and role did not come through yet until we got to know each other and the other members. He helps with the grilling meat and would give us advice. When Hua Li was dealing with family trouble, Jisung help him out a bit. He would be the person speaking when they went to see Woozi for stuff related to the debut album. And today he slightly scolded me since I hide the fact I was not feeling well and tells me a bit as to why since he had overworked himself before. I do think he is going to showcase it more later on." Yuta nodded and look over to Jisung, who is busy talking with Harry-June and Aries and thought, Jisung is doing good as a leader, I am more excited to see how else he can showcase it.

Jisung got up and went to his room for a bit then came out with his laptop that he secretly bought with Hyeon-U's help. Yuta's mouth hang a bit open when he saw and then he ask, " yah, Jisung-ah when did you get that laptop? Did you get it recently?" Jisung sheepishly smile and said, " I got it three years ago secretly with the help of Hyeon-U hyung. I wanted to do some producing and composing. I don't know if you remember but I had some important meetings. The truth is that they have meetings and buddy dates with Stray Kids 3Racha line hyungs, CL noona, BM hyung, GOT7 hyungs, Ravn hyung, Leedo hyung, and a couple of other people. They taught me some basic things about it before we do some of the harder parts. I did manage to compose and produce my first song, but I am saving it for a special day. The lyrics I will maybe ask either of them for some tips to get started on that." Yuta looks at Jisung like he just reveal some shocking news and he said, " wow, you kept it from us for all this all, but at least you meet some sunbaenims who help you out. I hope you get to release it soon, I wanted to hear what it sounds like." Jisung nodded as he look up something before he connect it to the TV and they watch a cooking show. Yubin, Morris, and Moon came out with the food, including some kimchi ramyeon that was added. The food was set down and passed around with Kage getting the Shogayu and samgytang, while the rest have some gimbap and kimchi ramyeon. They ate while watching the show, with Yeong-Ho writing down recipes that he thinks are delicious and quick to make. They finish the food before switching over to watching Pokemon that Kage requested. As they are watching the show Jisung started feeling sleepy from the day's schedule. Yuta felt something on his shoulder and look to see Jisung sleeping and he let out a coo. He look at the other members and considers the others looking sleepy and decided to help them get to bed, He ushered all but Jisung to their beds before he look at Jisung and decided to call WinWin and Jeno to come sleep in Darkside's dorm. The two members came down quietly and Yuta open the door and let them in. They followed him to see a sleeping Jisung on the couch and they coo at the adorable sight. WinWin helped carry Jisung as they walk over to where his room would be and set him down on the bed. Then, one by one each of them lay down on the bed and close Jisung as possible. Jeno stared at Jisung with fondness and WinWin noticed it and said, "yah, do you love Jisung? You have been giving him a fond stare for a while." Jeno chuckle a little and was glad it was nighttime as his cheek redden a little. " While I would jokingly say no, I do and I felt sad when this situation had happened. I was completely worried that he would resent us, but after explaining the truth, I think he does not resent us, except for the seven hyungs, that will get a big scolding and reprimands. I feel angry because Ten, Taeyong, Taeil, and the rest were so kind, but have happened to believe a sasaeng and her crew of cronies." WinWin nodded in agreement before he drift asleep. Jeno looks at Jisung and put his hand on Jisung's arm before he drifts off to dreamland.

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