Prologue - Consequences

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Many horrible unsaintly things have horrible unsaintly consequences. Things like raping a chihuahua in front of others, throwing said chihuahua out the window to its death, putting oneself upon others and having made the experience absolutely horrendous by contaminating their environment with every body fluid except semen. At least that's what his step-parents used to justify sending him to something much more worse than any of what he has experienced so far. His encounters thus far will cower and quake in comparison of what lies at his parents property in Sandy Nuts, Idaho. The only thing that's more pleasant, is the ride there.

Only one day it takes to arrive but it felt like one month. The whole time no words, not even a noise emanated from his parents. When he was picked up, his step-parents didn't even come out and say a word, they just sat stagnant inside. Stagnancy is one of the worst punishments. For example white torture is a form of stagnancy.

For the torture, the sufferer is placed in a room with no windows. Everything in the room is white. The walls, ceiling, bed, table and the clothes they're wearing. The lights also stay on at all times. They are blinding white lights that conquer and divide the sufferer's hours of sleep. Once in awhile they are fed. The guards walk on their padded shoes, as to not make a noise, slip a white tray underneath the white door, with white utensils and the food is unseasoned white rice. Near sensory deprivation but the sufferer can physiologically live there for the rest of their life. The complete bare minimum. Only a couple of days the person gets subjected to white torture and then they go mad. Lorenzo's parents' property in Sandy Nuts, Idaho is worse than white torture.

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