Steve carefully climbed down the stairs, holding the flashlight in one hand and his bat in the other. I was right behind him, looking over his shoulder for anything that was a danger to us.

"It better not come whipping around that corner," Steve whispered, shining the light in said-direction.

"We're prepared," I muttered back, gripping my gun tighter.

We reached the bottom of the steps, my nerves even worse now. Steve flashed the light all around us, but just like before, nothing came up.

"There's a light in the middle of the room," I whispered, pointing to the single lightbulb and line. Steve nodded and crept to the middle. My hands clutched his shoulder, my legs turning to jelly. Just a few more steps, and then we would know if we lived or not.

Steve grabbed the end of the light switch and pulled it, bathing us in a faint light. Both of our eyes drifted to something in front of us. He picked it up with his bat and held it in front of us.

"You've gotta be kidding me," I spat, grossed out by the slimy skin.

"That's not the worse part," he admitted, looking elsewhere. I followed his gaze, my stomach dropping.

"Steve? Y/n?"

"No, no, no," I mumbled. "This isn't happening, this can't be happening-"

"Steve? Y/n? What's going on down there?" Dustin asked again.

Steve flashed his light up the stairs, ordering, "Get down here."

As Dustin came down the stairs, I crept closer to the hole, peering inside to see how deep it was. I couldn't even see to the end.

Dustin swore behind me, squatting beside me to look around the hole. Steve crouched on the other side, shining his flashlight inside. Even then, we still couldn't see the end.

"How far do you think it goes?" Dustin asked.

"Who knows-" My ankle gave out from under me, sending me crashing into Steve. It suddenly flared in pain, but not like what I was used to. This felt like my entire leg was on fire, times ten. A cry of pain clawed through my throat, tears stinging my eyes.

"Y/n?" Dustin asked, fear creeping in his voice. "Y/n, what's going on!?"

"It burns!" I choked.

"Y/n, where does it hurt?" Steve asked, adjusting us so my head was in his lap.

"My- my leg," I cried, clawing at the ground. Steve noticed and grabbed my hand, his own hand shaking.

"Dustin, check her ankle," he ordered, his eyes glued on my face.


"Check her ankle!"

Dustin lifted one of my pants leg before calling out, "There's nothing wrong!"

"Check the other one!" Steve instructed.

Dustin lifted my other pant leg, repeating the same thing. "It's fine!"

The pain seemed to intensify. Both my hands were gripping Steve's, tears streaming down my face while hiccups rocked my chest.

"It's obviously not fine!" Steve snapped. "Check again! See if anything doesn't look right!"

"Which leg am I looking at!?"

"Left!" I croaked. Dustin took off my shoe and sock, carefully inspecting everything.

"Still nothing!"

"You're probably just blind!" Steve carefully put my head on the ground and joined Dustin. "What the...?" Someone gently touched my leg, running their hand from the middle of my calf to my ankle. "There is something here, dumbass!"

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