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everlastingly has officially ended.

Thank you for reading ichiro and ensleigh story. This epistolary was an impulsive decision coz I don't have any plan for this, I'm just bored in our province at that time so I wrote this. I am so glad because I've finished another epistolary. Thank you for supporting ichiro, ensleigh, and me. We love you!

good bye, ichiro and ensleigh. we love you, everlastingly.

started: July 17, 2022
published: July 31, 2022
end: September 9, 2022
revision: --/--/----

again! please, bear with me. this epistolary expect grammatical, typographical errors, wrong spellings, and whatsoever errors. will edit this if I have time. tenchu^^

see you on my next epistolary.

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