The Chapter where the ball begins

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"Ginny!" Harry catches me by the arm just as I'm about to walk into the Great Hall. "We're s'posed to wait out here until everyone else is seated." Harry does an in-evasive once over of me and breaks into a shy grin. "You look really pretty."

"Thanks," I squeak. He just called me pretty! "So do yo-I mean, you look really nice."

"Thank you," Harry answers bashfully. "Have you seen Hermione? I haven't seen her since breakfast, I'm a bit worried..."

"She's fine," I assure him, looking for our friend. I spot her with Krum and smile. "Oh, look- there she is."

Harry turns and it occurs to me that he hasn't seen her yet. Shock fills his face, and no wonder- Hermione looks stunning.

"Hello Harry, Hi Ginny," she greets us, smiling nervously. Students stream past us, and Ron refuses to even glance at Hermione, the little git. Draco Malfoy walks past, and even he's stunned speechless. Serves him right.

Soon all the students are settled, and Professor McGonagall motions for us to walk in. She's dressed up for the occasion in rather ugly robes of dark red. "Weasley!" She hisses at mejust before we enter. "Have Potter take your arm!"

I snatch Harry's arm and loop mine through it seconds before we enter. Then I smooth my dress, put on my best smile, and step into the hall.

The first thing that hits me is the difference. The hall is filled with small tables, lit with lanterns and seating about ten people each. The starry ceiling is draped with garlands of ivy and what I think is mistletoe. The usual swarming mass of black-cloaked students is gone, replaced with brightly, beautifully dressed witches and wizards. I feel as though I'm looking at the world through a wall of diamonds, everything sparkling and jewelled.

I focus on smiling and not tripping over my feet as I take it all in. There are at least a thousand eyes on me, and I feel everyone of them boring into me, trying to figure out what's so special about the third year that Harry Potter brought to the ball. The long walk down the hall finally ends, only to lead us to the large table at the end of the hall. It leaves the champions to sit with the teachers, the officials, and...ugh. Percy. He's wearing navy blue robes that make him look like the git he is, and he motions for Harry and I to sit next to him, which is something I really, really don't want to do.

Harry and I take the two seats next to my brother, and we don't even have to ask before he tells us why he's here.

 "I've been promoted," he boasts. "I'm now Mr. Crouch's personal assistant, and I'm here representing him."

Harry asks why Mr. Crouch didn't come himself, and Percy launches into a speech about the minister's health and how Winky leaving really hurt his way of life.

I stay silent the entire time, choosing not to listen to the brother who's broken mum's heart by choosing work over family. I catch Hermione's eye and give her a nervous grin. She smiles back, glances at something Dumbledore's doing, and speaks to her plate. "Steak." Her gleaming plate fills with steaming steak, potatoes, and carrots. Krum starts a conversation with her, so I busy myself with checking the menu, as Percy's still talking to Harry, who's making no attept to listen much.

I order my onion soup and have just started eating it when Harry leans over to me and whispers, "I wonder if he's stopped calling Percy Weatherby yet," and I choke on my soup, trying hard not to spit it out.

A few moments later I over hear Dumbledore describing an odd vanishing bathroom to Proffessor Karkaroff. "When I went back to investigate more closely, I discoverd that the room had vanished. But I must keep an eye out for it. Possibly it is only accessible at five thirty in the morning. Or it may only appear at the quarter moon-or when the seeker has an exceptionally full bladder."

Harry snorts into his goulash, and I snicker with a mouthful of soup. Dumbledore winks at me, letting me know that the comedy was fully intended, and I give him a small smile.

Soon dinner is finished, and Dumbledore conjures up a dance floor. The Weird Sisters file on with instruments and torn robes, and I realize that Harry and I are going to need to dance soon.

"Harry, come on," I whisper, grabbing his elbow and leading him to the dance floor where the other contestants are already heading. We reach the designated danceing spot and I take Harry's hands. One goes on my waist, which is weird, the other I clasp at shoulder height. The music starts, and my mind's a flurry of steps-right, back, left, forward, turn, and up! Harry lifts me, and it's rather unsettling. It looks odd if my gaze is anywhere but him (or so said Proffessor McGonagall during dance lessons), so I (accidentally) look straight in Harry's eyes. They're very green, like holly leaves. My stomach flutters a bit as he sets me down and we continue dancing. The rest of the first dance blurs by. Others join us about halfway through the song- Dumbledore and Madame Maxine, Moody and Proffesor Sinistra, Neville and Colette. The floor is rather crowded by the time we take a final bow, and I breath a sigh of relief. We made it.

***Hello again! Two things: 1) Sorry I haven't updated, my tablet broke down and I haven't gotten  it fixed yet, and 2) Sorry if there are TONS of typos. The keys on the computer I'm using now are *ahem* very sensitive (AKA they suck) and don't type sometimes. I'm trying to proof-read a lot but some stuff slips through. I'll update soon this time, I promise, and thanks again for reading!

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⏰ Son güncelleme: Jul 27, 2015 ⏰

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