══╡*.·:·.✧ Chapter 05 ✧.·:·.*╞══

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"Di, come on, try the facial! Please.. you wouldn't refuse your younger twin, now would you?" Riya pouts putting her all her efforts in making Prachi agree to do a facial. Prachi feels conflicted. On hand she doesn't feel like she has the heart to refuse her twin when she's making such a cute puppy face, on the other hand, she really doesn't want Ranbir to think of her like he does other girls - as a sister. Prachi cringes at thought.

"I'm sorry Riya, I can't do a facial. I have a reason, but I can' t tell it to you," Prachi refuses.

"Di, is this to do with Jiju?" Riya replies, smirking.

"What Jiju?"

"Oh you know, you're crushing on that person so bad! I think you're in love," Riya smugly smiles as she notices Prachi flush a little. There was definitely someone Prachi liked, and Riya had a feeling that it was a certain footballer player from college.

"Oho, not bad.. I haven't even mentioned the person's name and your blushing! Di, please, as my birthday gift reveal to me who the lucky man is!" Riya teases, and dramatically asks for her gift.

"It's nothing like that, and stop acting so childish." Prachi mumbles hoping to distract Riya. No one can find out about her love, not yet at least. She didn't stand a chance with Ranbir, that she knew. Literally every single girl in college wanted to be with him, sometimes even the girls in a relationship would flirt with him. She was his best friend, that's it and no matter how much it hurt her when thinking of him with another girl, she needed to be ready for it.

"I know there's someone. Is it Darsh? Rohan? Arjun? Ranbir?" Riya squeals as she notices Prachi blush, a lot, when she said Ranbir's name.

"It's Ranbir, isn't it?!" Riya engulfs Prachi in a tight, very tight, hug. Prachi manages to escape the hug, and tries to object but ends up stammering and turning a deeper shade of red.

"Haye! Your stammering tells me everything, you love Ranbir. Now I know who's name to say to make you wake up. You always did that with Sanju's name, and I'll do it with Ranbir's!" Riya says, feeling ecstatic and doesn't realise whose name she added in the conversation. Her mood changes as she realises what she just said.

"You're still seeing him, aren't you?" Prachi whispers.

"I'm sorry Di, I love him. I may act like I don't want a married life and all, but I still do love him! I can't help it, Di. Please don't tell Mom," Riya confesses, tears brimming her eyes.

"I won't. But you know, she'll be furious if she ever finds out. She warned to stay away from him for a reason, whatever it may be. You should trust Maa, she's your mother! Now, we shouldn't cry on our birthday, should we?" Prachi whispers, rubbing her eyes.

Riya nods, "Can we forget this ever happened?"

"Only if you promise not to tease me about you know who!" Prachi smiles softly.

"Ha! You wish. I'll tease you for as long as I live! And by the way, we made a bet on your confession to Ranbir and Ranbir's confession to you." Riya reveals.

"You WHAT?!" Prachi looks infuriated and Riya nervously smiles.

"Come on Di, can't you forgive your twin on her birthday, I forgave you for making fun of me, didn't I?" Riya says, trying to sound cheery. Prachi sighs and decides to let it go just this once, but she makes sure to give Riya a warning about it.

Riya sighs in relief and the twins exit the parlour.


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