食天体の (Eclipse)

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the fox scoff playfully.

"Why yes of course it is." That's Right smile.

The Princess looks back at the fox still smiling, Hair swaying because of the air. " I'm truly grateful to you, for bringing me here. I love it here, the sea is one of the place I come to love." The princess murmured. Her smile grew wider.

"You've come to love?" The Fox ask, confusion written all over it's face.

Yes, Because your eyes is ethereal. just like the ocean. And they are like the war as well... it's deep. But they are also like peace, It's also so calm. and lastly like the sea it was so free.

and here he thought the smile couldn't shine more.

the princess giggle. "Yes!"


"I'm here, cry in my shoulder all you want I'll stay with you. You don't need to cry on your own anymore." I whispered as I hug the princess tighter. As if that would change anything, she's been just sold off to marry some man for the sake of power.

It's making my blood boiled. Those damn nobles keep giving me reasons to burn this Empire down to hell with them.

"You...have yet told me what your name is, haven't you?" The princess says voice still sore from crying.

"Naruto." The fox answers in a deep voice.

"Hinata, that's my name." Hinata huh? fitting for someone who has a smile that outshined the sun.

The princess caressed the Fox cheeks Giving a sincere smile they stare at each other without saying anything. Although their eyes speaks for it all.

"If you continue this... I might not be able to hold back myself and devour you."

"Such words... but.. I couldn't careless, This humble princess are yours and yours only."

that's where she was wrong. I do not own her, I cannot. She's not someone that can be own. Instead, it's the other way around. She's not mine but I'm all hers and hers only. I do not belong in any clan. I do not belong in any Empires nor Kingdom.

I belong to her.

my loyalty does not lies in this world nor in any place, but to hers.

And thus the night continue with a passion of forbidden love.


the war is finally over. But that doesn't mean the princess battle ends too.

"Stop! please don't do this Hinata!" The fox shouted on the princess.

Knight's and warriors screaming in Happiness. but all of those doesn't matter when the woman whom he love the most is attempting to take its own life by drowning in the ocean she loves.

"I'm sorry." was all the princess could say.

"I don't care if you use me! use me all you want it doesn't matter! you might not be mine but I'm yours s-so please don't do this. I will do all the things you want, I'll take you out in the middle of the night again, we will explore the world just like what you have dreamed s-so please...please- stay..." The Fox voice broke.

"Naruto, I love you, you know I will always will." the Princess said calmly in a sad whisper that only her and Naruto will hear. Long hair gone replace with a short one.

"enough to stay?" the fox ask in a desperate tone with a bitter smile.

all the princess did was look down and avoid the fox gaze.

"I love you too, too much actually. I love you enough to stay, and protect that damn Empire that causes you so much sorrow and pain. I LOVE YOU Enough to stay. But you don't love me as much right? answer me!"

I fucking love you and yet I couldn't run in that sea so you wouldn't drown and I could have stop you by forcing you away from the water but I wouldn't, cause I know, I have always known... I cannot save you, from the pain and sorrow. All I could do for you was to be there.

but of course I know I'm not an idiot I have known.. you wanted to be free and you can't do that if you stay with me.

I'm powerful, I'm a living legend. The reason for my existence is to be a weapon, to grant human wishes I'm so powerful and yet, I can't even save the woman I would sacrifice this power for.

her wish was to be free from this world. And I'm not enough reason for her to change it.

the princess flinched.

"Forgive me... I love you, I really do but staying here is suffocating me- it's making me suffer. Please Naruto l-let... and let me be f-free from this cruel world." the princess pleaded..

She cries, and so does the fox. they cried their hearts out until the sun is finally rising.

"I love you and because of that I'm letting you go, this time. Let's meet again in another time where it's not so cruel. I'm going to find you and when I do... I won't let go. not again, not anymore, so My love, My gloomy princess, I'm granting your wish now." the fox smile in sorrow.

"another time huh, perhaps...A world where I could've been yours?" The gloomy princess closes her eyes as her voice went lower.

"you're so unfair...Why can't it just be this time." The Fox murmurs.

And when the sun is rising the moon has to leave. They cannot collide. As much as the eclipse is so beautiful it doesn't always mean good things sometimes it means we might collide, we might cross paths, we might meet... however, that doesn't mean we will stay together, forever.

for the world to run and spin, you have to move forward so let them go and be free. From the Ghost of the past? perhaps.

"If I have agreed to run away back then, will our ending change??"

"Just like what you said. You've devoured me completely."

"we almost made it,

We should have."

"the sea sure is beautiful. Together with the moon shining brightly in the sky."


Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

A/N: It's been a while I hope all of you are doing well

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

A/N: It's been a while I hope all of you are doing well. I know I haven't updated for some time, I'm sorry for that. school starts to stressed me out. So I couldn't write. I Hope you guy's enjoy this. An apology for taking so long. I'm working on the new chapter of "still you and will always be you." Thanks for all the support.


Kazemi (Naruhina one shot)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat