three ⎯⎯⎯ stars that lay on the horizon

Start from the beginning

Regardless of all that, it still came as a figure to you that you applied Sakura as a sort of mother-like emblem in all the lacking compartments. It wasn't as if she was replacing your mom, it was more like she was sentiently working around that designation so she could assist in things that you were unable to work with and exploit on your own. You can never outdo the doer, she knew that, you knew that; it would be something along the lines of taboo and inappropriate if she was referred to as ever a thing, so although she still abided by her professionalism, there was still a fondness that blossomed between the pair of you.

Just a nurse who was devoted to her patient and a patient who could esteem her nurse in a like manner.

"Isn't the weather lovely today," the pink-haired woman hummed as she adjourned from further pushing your wheelchair, stopping inside the miniature gazebo planted amongst the other fineries of the external. With eyes operating prevalently, you conceded to your surroundings within the hospital's garden.

A passionate breeze of the autumn dwellings embraced your bare skin unveiling upon exposition. The dapples of white exceeding above had catered to unearth the glossy rays acting as a sedate to any form of obscurity sheltering between the trees in a disorderly array; lulling your ears to equanimity, songs concocted from the children of mother nature and the flourishing foliage called out to the world in a sensation of celestial perceptions.

"It is, that's why autumn is probably my favorite season out of all of them. I always loved the weather and the atmosphere and festivals, but it's been so long since I've been to one that I can't even remember anything about them." Sakura continued to push your wheelchair out of the wooded pavilion and past the arbor garnished with flowers and vines entwined around its spherical shape. Before the silence could further besiege your continuation of thought, she settled on playfulness to alleviate your symptoms.

"I see you talked to your new roommate, how do you like him so far?"

"He's very interesting."But what Sakura found even more interesting was how your lips twitched into a volatile cue, portraying all that you were unable to put into words. "We're friends, he said. He's a lot more different than the other people I've shared my room with...I just don't know how to explain it. But still, I'm really happy, Sakura." Positioning both her hands against your shoulder, she leaned down slightly to press her head against the side of your very own.

A lighthearted huff tickled your ears, causing them to slightly twitch. "Aw, it hasn't even been a day yet and you're already replacing me as your best friend? After all we've been through, [name], I can't believe you!" Her entertained words humored the both of you before her laughs dispersed melancholically. Something was on her mind. "[name], I didn't come out here with you to just chat casually, you know." There it is. "And I'm well aware you don't like me sugarcoating things regarding your health, so I'll tell you exactly what you need to know."

Even if this did come as a small little revelation, one way or another, you were bound to catch wind of where exactly your health was currently established at, you were well aware of that yourself. "Go on."

For this occasion, she sat down on a bench coated in the complexion of warm colors, scooting them off as she folded the sides of her coat atop each other and encased them with her arms. Now you were in her line of sight as she took a moment to stare at you, any of the preceding glistening in your hues now gone. "Your health is declining more and more by the days, we're doing all that we can but your heart is growing weaker. However," Sakura pressed a hand gently down on your thigh, eagerness catching light within her viridian eyes. "Due to the extent of your regressing health, your spot on the donor list has gone up." Was this supposed to be a silver-lining?

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