My Girl, My Woman, My Wife

Start from the beginning

She pulled his hair tightly as he laughed louder before she stole the blanket in between them, wrapped herself with it and sat down. God, it was still really painful between her thighs.
"Just stay here, love." Holding her shoulders from behind, he spoke, when he noticed she really isn't feeling well.
"I'll get the breakfast. Just stay here." He pulled her to lean on the head board and rushed downstairs to pick up the breakfast he'd prepare while she was still asleep.

"How was it?" Ben asked his wife as she put the last bite of French toast in her mouth. She is now in her night gown.
"I want something spicy." She said as she swallowed.
"Right now?" He asked scratching his head.
"Uh-hmm." She nodded.
"The only spicy foods we have are capsicum?" He said as she was sipping her chamomile tea.
"Would do." She said simply.
"You aren't serious, are you?!" His eyes grew wide.
"Just get it, will ya?" She snapped and pouted.

"You really aren't eating those, are you?" He asked again as he handed her the thoroughly washed peppers.
Dismissing him, she shrugged and took a bite on the tongue-burning spicy vegetable.
"Pregnant women..." He pinched her cheeks, and she sucked the bitten pepper to his mouth.
"Wot the...!" The spice made his face red, how can this woman take such strong spices like it was nothing, he asked himself.

Well at least, her pale skin is blushing now because of the peppers, he told himself as he looked at her lovingly. Elle is a bloody wonder, she can be so cute and adorable like a little girl, then fierce, strong and full of passion like a complete woman.

"Oh, I have something for you." He broke the silence. Elle just looked at him as he handed her a box.
"You're mad...!" She exclaimed as she raised a red two-piece vintage bathing suit from it. Her eyes opened wide.
"We'll go swimming later. It isn't as if you can wear your corset, love."
Elle just frowned at him.
"Besides, have I not seen everything underneath, dear wife?" He tried not to giggle.
"You.are.impossible.!" Her jaws dropped.
"You mean, there's still something I haven't seen?" He jokingly pulled the gown and pretended to peek inside it.
"Benjamin Barker!!!" She sucked the spicy pepper in his mouth again, this time, she made him took a bite that he almost spit on the ground because of the strong taste he still cannot figure out how his lovely young wife can take.

"You're so modest even to your husband, virgin widow!" He giggled and embrace her tightly.
"You are so impossible." Nellie covered her face with her palms in embarassment.

A few hours later, after doing their own personal hygiene and when Nellie wasn't as sore as when she woke up, Benjamin pulled her outside for a surprise he had long planned. She looked lovely in red gown, he thought.

"You've worn the bathing suit, right?"
He asked to make sure making her roll her eyes.
"I just ought to swim naked knowing you'll love that more, perv." She replied sarcastically.
"Don't start with me, wife." He embraced her from her side and whispered. "We might end up in bed instead of where the surprise is, ya know."
"You're disgusting." She elbowed his rib, making him laugh harder.

"We're running late, no peeking!"he exclaimed.
"What are you really up to???" She hold on to him tighter as he covered her eyes with his palm.
"Just trust me, baby. You'll love this." Step by step, he guided her until they stopped in some place where the ground is made of wood, and the fresh breeze of salt water can be smelled, then, he finally bring down his hand covering her eyes.
"Surprise!" He said as he presented to her a vintage style wooden boat. Elle could only stare at the huge water vehicle in front of her. It has a very high pole that holds three sails of different sizes.
The sailing boat in front of her is big, it can accommodate up to ten people at a time.
"This is yours Elle." Ben proudly informed her.
"You're kidding." Was all she could say.
"No, I ordered this the day you said you can't stand to be without me. Can't let my wife let me stay in her house with nothing to give in return, can I?"
"B-but how...?"
"Got some savings from sailing with Anthony in the past... Sold my razors for a few thousand pounds, and here you go." Elle somehow felt uncomfortable hearing about his razors, she knows he loved them, treated them as his friends for a long time, and now, they're gone for good.
"T'was ok, love. I won't be needing them anyway." He reassured her after reading what was running inside her mind through her eyes.
"You got the only one left, for my personal shaving...and we have this. This will be our new mean of living from now, you see." He wrapped his hand around her shoulders and kissed her temple. Nellie swear she could cry. This is really a very, very surprising gift from him. She never thought how much he could give up for her, for them. How much of Benjamin Barker has returned like what he promised her.

"Well, let's go, love." He pulled her towards the boat.
"W-where?" She asked.
"We have yet to bless this." He whispered to her ear as he salute one of the men guarding the private boats in that port.
"And I got more to show you." Ben smiled at her before he gave her lips a quick kiss.

(A/N I really don't know what happened here, haha! I mean all those silly things Ben was saying and doing to Nellie. It just popped up in my mind. Please let me hear from you! I need to know how you feel towards all these chapters I've already published. The next chapters will be as sizzling hot as Nellie's peppers, promise! I have yet to decide though, if our dear Nellie is in love with Ben or if it is just the baby inside her who is making her feel the need of him. Share your thoughts lovely readers! Don't be shy, Helenaist and Deppheads! :*)

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