"Okay, Nini, l let's try this again." Miss Jenn said, taking her eyes off back to the brunette that stood center stage.

"You got this, babe! Who!" EJ cheered loudly. The sound of crackling was heard before the lights in the auditorium went off.

"Nobody panic!" Miss Jenn quickly said. "Nini, let's wait for the lights to come back on. I don't want this to throw you."

"I'm not thrown." Nini stated as she started singing Start of something new. Ricky rushed up to the girl as turned on his camera flashlight, pointing it at her before EJ quickly stood up from him spot on the stage, copying Ricky's action. As she finished the sound of crackling was once again heard before the lights came back on.

"Okay. Well, thank you, Nini. I only needed 32 bars, but I appreciate your commitment." Miss Jenn said, turning to look at Ricky. He then went and sang the song that Nini wrote for him when they were dating.

"Okay! Lastly we have Kelsi and we only have one trying out and that would be Alyssa." Miss Jenn called, causing the girl to glance over at her brother who gave her a thumbs up before she stood from her seat and made her way towards center stage, avoiding eye contact with Ricky as he watched her walk by.

"What should I know?" Miss Jenn said quietly to Carlos, looking over at the boy.

"Alyssa Clarke, had been dancing since she was 3 and has been singing since she was 5 but stopped everything suddenly almost a year ago. She also writes her own music. She is probably one of the nicest people you will ever meet" Carlos said, quickly listing simple facts about one of his close friends.

"I was actually planning on singing an original if that's okay." Alyssa explained, causing Miss Jenn to nod.

"Of course, whenever you're ready!" Miss Jenn said, causing the girl to nod, the young girl sits at the piano and starts playing a song she had wrote after her mom died.

You called with the news, I thought you were kidding
You were always joking all the time
You kept breathing but stopped living, held it like poison inside
They say everything happens for a reason
But it only makes you mad
'Cause how in the hell can you believe them
When nothing brings her back?
It's hard to know (to know) what she would say
But I think she'd
Want you to live like the world's on fire
Want you to love like hearts don't break (don't break)
Never look down when you walk the wire
Like she made it to 48, still made your birthday cake

Once she stopped playing she felt a tear fall down her face as she looked up at everyone as they stared at her in shock but all of a sudden Ricky stands up and starts clapping as everyone follows after clapping and cheering for her.

"Just amazing Alyssa, so talented." Ms. Jenn said, "Okay everyone lets take a quick break."


Alyssa went out in the hall to find her brother standing there with a huge smile.

"You did it!" They then hugged as they laughed but they were interupted by a voice from behind them.

"Alyssa?" They both turned to see Ricky Bowen standing there with sad eyes, "That song...was that about your mom?" Alyssa's mom died shortly after her and Ricky stopped being friends and Alyssa was all alone.

"Yeah, it was." Ricky never once called to see if she was okay or if she needed anything or even to say that he was sorry for her loss, he never once thought to check in, he felt like he didn't deserve too.

"I'm so sorry about your mom Lys." He said as she shook her head.

"Don't call me that, you lost that privledge when you walked out of my life and don't you think that it's a little too late for apologies?"

"Look, Alyssa I'm sorry about everything but I'm here now." He says as he tried to get her to forgive him.

"Sorry dosen't cut it this time." She said as she starts to walk away.

"Alyssa!" This catches everyones attention, "I'm sorry!" He says again as everyone looks to young blonde girl to see what she says, she turns to glare at him.

"Sorry doesn't bring her back." She says and as she goes to walk away Carlos walks out with the cast list.

Cast List
Troy Bolton...Ricky Bowen
Troy's Understudy...EJ Caswell
Gabriella Montez...Nini Salazar-Roberts
Gabriella Understudy...Gina Porter
Chad Danforth...E.J. Caswell
Sharpay Evans...Seb Matthew-Smith
Taylor McKessie...Gina Porter
Ms. Darbus...Ashlyn Caswell
Ryan Evans...Blaire Miller
Kelsi Nielsen...Alyssa Clarke
Coach Bolton...Andy Boniferro
Zeke Baylor...Benji Muto
Martha Cox...Emi Alex Tsas

"Chad? She thinks I'm a Chad?" EJ said as he read the cast list. Alyssa looked at the cast list before her and Ricky made eye contact.

"Alyssa.." Before Ricky could speak anymore Alyssa walks away from him, "Alyssa! I'm sorry!" She stopped once more to look at him with tears in her eyes and that just killed Ricky.

"It's too late for that." She said before she walked away.


Alyssa sat in the hallway crying after the whole argument she had with Ricky in front of everyone.

"Hey there you are." Gina said as she sat next to the young girl.

"Hey." She said softy as she looked at the young brunette.

"How are you after that whole ordeal with that guy, Ricky is it?" Gina asked as Alyssa nodded, "Look...I don't know what happened between you two and I don't have to unless you want me too but It's safe to say that I am on your side no matter what." Gina said and this made the young blonde smiled.

"But you don't even know me that well." Alyssa said confused.

"I know but I have a feeling that you and me are going to be best friends." She said as they smiled at each other.

"Um...so Ricky and I used to be best friends..." Alyssa then pauses in the middle of his sentence.

"You don't have too if you don't want too."

"I know but I want too...I need to talk about it." Gina said 'okay' very softly before Alyssa continued, "About a year ago he stopped talking to me suddenly and then my mom died and not once did he have the audacity to check in to see how I was doing or to see if I needed anything or to send his condolences. Mom loved Ricky like he was her own and he was over at my house everyday. We had been best friends our entire lives, our parents were best friends in high school and stayed friends after they graduated and that's how our friendship came to be and I used to have a tiny crush on him as well. He was my best friend, he knew everything about me and we did everything together..." She then pauses her sentennce, "then my mom died and that was hard on it's own but realizing that you didn't have the one person who knew you better than anyone to help you through this tough time on top of that...losing my mom was hard and it hurt a lot but losing her and realizing that you lost your best friend on top of that..."

"It makes it hurt that much harder." Gina finished for her.

"Yeah...it does."

"I am so sorry that you had to go through that and screw Ricky because you have me now." Gina said which made Alyssa laugh.

"Yeah I do." They smiled at each other as they then hugged.

Maybe One Day (HSMTMS)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ