(1) 'Twenty - One' • Adam Page [Requested]

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For: Xenopheniox 
Thank you so, so much for requesting!! I hope that you enjoy this imagine, this is technically my first attempt at really writing a 'one - shot'.
Thank you to everyone for reading!!

 Thank you to everyone for reading!!

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~ September 16th, 2022 ~

Y/n was currently sitting in her apartment impatiently awaiting the arrival of her closest friends. You see, Y/n and her friends had planned to have a night out in celebration of her twenty first birthday. Y/n had dressed up in her evening best, obviously expecting a night to remember.

She began thinking of all the exciting things that twenty one had to offer her

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She began thinking of all the exciting things that twenty one had to offer her. She hoped to have a fantastic time and meet some new people, maybe even a new lover. Soon after, she was brought out of her thoughts by a knock on the door. When she opened the door she was greeted by her friends Lauren and Leah.

"So Y/n, are you ready to go?" The twins questioned, clearly growing impatient

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"So Y/n, are you ready to go?" The twins questioned, clearly growing impatient. Y/n quickly nodded, heading towards her living room to grab a few items. "Yep, lets go!!" Y/n replied throwing her purse over her shoulder.

* Time skip (over an extremely boring car ride)*

The twins had decided to take her to a pretty popular bar in their hometown of Nashville, Tn. As the girls entered, Lauren and Leah began scouting for dates, Y/n however, well she couldn't have cared less. "Uhm.. Y/n, we'll be over here if you need us, please, don't need us!!" Lauren pleaded as y/n noticed Leah waving and giggling at a pair of guys sitting in the corner. Y/n rolled her eyes, "Yeah guys, sure. I mean.." She was quickly interrupted by Lauren running towards her new eye candy, "Thanks!!" she shouted and gestured a vague wave. Y/n huffed, running her hand through her Y/h/l Y/h/c hair. After a bit she decided to order a few drinks. Y/n sat at the bar reflecting on the events that had already happened in such a short length of time. "What can i get you, honey?" the bartender asked, obviously feeling a bit bad for her situation . "Uh, let me get a Whiskey Sour and an Old - Fashioned." Y/n replied, sending him a small smile. "Coming right up." "Wow. Whiskey Sour and an Old - Fashioned, something really bad must've happened." A man stated, sarcasam evident in his tone. "Actually.. Never mind.." Y/n started to say, but she quickly stopped herself realizing that the situation was of no concern of his. The bartender suddenly appeared before her placing both of her drinks on the bar, "Whiskey Sour and an Old - Fashioned?" He questioned, grabbing a few napkins and placing them beside her drinks. "Yes. Thank you so much, dear." After spinning her straw in her drink, she decided to take a sip. "Alright, seriously, what's a girl like you doing sitting alone in a bar on a Friday night?" The man from earlier questioned, taking a long sip of his drink, which looked to be a beer. "Well actually, i'm not alone. Or at least i wasn't, i came here with my friends but they left to go flirt with a few new fresh faces." Y/n replied with a chuckle, taking a sip of her Whiskey Sour. "Wow. That definitely sucks. I'm sorry that happened." The man stated with a sigh. "Well, most people suck." She retorted with a laugh. "But seriously, thank you." Y/n replied sending him a shy smile. "You're very welcome". "Y/n" she suddenly blurted out. "Pardon?" The man questioned, clearly taken off guard. "Y/n. My name is Y/n, Y/n L/n." Y/n replied with a smile. "Adam. Adam Page." "Well, it's very nice to meet you, Adam." Y/n replied. "Well, clearly your friends are no where to be found, so if it's alright with you maybe we could keep each other company." He kindly offered. "I would love that, thank you." "So, tell me a little about yourself, Adam." Y/n suggested, finishing up her drinks from earlier. "Well, my name is Adam, obviously." He started, giving her a small laugh. "Uhmm, i'm from Halifax County, Virginia. I'm also a cowboy." He continued, immediately earning a fit of laughter from Y/n. "What? I am a cowboy, i love a good pair of jeans with boots.." He playfully argued, giving
Y/n his best convincing face. "Okay, okay. I'll believe you. Besides i'll bet that you would make a pretty cute cowboy." Y/n flirted, immediately blushing when she realized that the alcohol had given her a newfound sense of bravery (or maybe stupidity ; 0) Adam chuckled, turning towards her, "Really? You think so??" He teased, his large stature towering over her. Y/n tried to hide her blush, "Hey, don't get a big head about it, it was just a compliment." "Yes, but it was a compliment from a beautiful girl." He replied, sending her a wink. Y/n felt her face immediately heat up, this man had gone from picking on her to flirting with her. "I'm also a professional wrestler for a company called 'All Elite Wrestling'." He said with pride evident in his tone. "Really? That's amazing!!" Y/n replied, excitement oozing from her tone. "Yeah. That's actually why i'm in town. We had a show in Nashville tonight at the Municipal Auditorium." "That's amazing, Adam. And i'll bet all the travel is amazing!!"
Y/n enthusiastically replied. "Sometimes. But sometimes it can be extremely lonely. I mean traveling on the road 300 days a year, that's a long time to not see your family or friends." He replied, his voice fading on the sensitive subject. "Yeah. Sorry for ruining the mood.." She apologized, releasing an awkward laugh. "No, you're perfectly fine, doll.." He assured her, sending her a sweet smile. "So, is there anything else that i should know about you, cowboy?" Y/n playfully teased. "Oh, I'm 31 and i love a good bud light and long walks on the beach.." Y/n chuckled, but his response had stopped her dead in her tracks, this gorgeous man that she had fallen for was 10 years her senior. Y/n was awakened from her thoughts by Adam's voice, when she noticed that he was asking her a question.
"So Y/n, i would like to know a few things about you." Adam stated, taking a sip of his now almost empty beer. "Well, my name is Y/n, i'm from right here in Nashville, i'm a virgo, my favorite school subject was art, and i work in a bookstore but my dream is to be an actress. Oh, and bonus point; today is actually my 21st birthday." Y/n finished, hoping that she hadn't bombarded him with the sudden scroll of 'get - to - know - me' facts. It was apparent that Adam was taken back by finding out that Y/n was 10 years his junior. "Adam. Adam. Aren't you going to say something?" Y/n questioned nervously, starting to regret the disclosure of the last piece of information. "Yeah, uhmm. Happy birthday, Y/n." He replied, cleary still a little surprised. "Thank you!!" Y/n replied, still a little nervous. "So that definitely explains the beautiful girl sitting alone in a bar thing.." He stated, looking nervously at you. "Look Adam, i'm sorry, that was a lot to take in at one time." Y/n apologized running her hands through her hair. "Hey doll, that's alright." He replied, giving Y/n's  hand a reassuring squeeze. "Even the whole me being 21 thing?" Y/n questioned, her nerves evident in her tone. Adam chuckled, "Yes, 'even the whole you being 21 thing'." He replied, using quotation marks on your sentence. "Y/n. I like you, so that also includes everything about you." He reassured her, brushing a strand of her hair out of her eyes (cliché, i know). "I like you, too, Adam." Y/n blushed, giving him a sweet kiss on the cheek. "So what exactly does this make us now?" She teased, gazing intently at her newfound lover. "Well, i'm afraid this means that you'll be my doll and i'll be your cowboy." Adam replied, sending Y/n a playful smirk. "This has definitely been the best 21st birthday that i could've ever ask for. Thanks to you." Y/n greeted, giving Adam a kiss on his knuckles. "Well, it's not over yet. Let's go properly celebrate your birthday, my treat." Adam offered, reaching his hand out for Y/n to take. "I would love that. Thank you, baby." Y/n thanked him, taking his hand. "You are a dream.." She complimented him, placing a light peck on his lips. Adam chuckled and pulled
Y/n in for a proper kiss. "Now, let's get out of here." Adam suggested, as they quickly hurried out of the now extremely crowded bar.

• The End •
(Moral of the story: Sometimes bad situations can turn into something great ♥️)

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