Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

    A strong wind passed, and the bamboo gate on the top of the mountain slowly opened, Wu Jin looked inside the gate while alert.

    "My lord, there's no one in the house!"

    After he said that, he couldn't believe it, but Jian walked into the bamboo house and glanced at it, only to be more sure.

    The mountain is so high that there is no other way to go except the thousand-story stone steps.

    Zhao Sui sneered, as if he had already expected such a result. He raised his eyebrows slightly: "Go!"

    Yi Jue fluttered, and there was no smile in his eyes. He naturally knew the consideration of nothingness, since nothingness was in his hands. Before Jin Chan escaped, he left him alive.

    The sky is bright, and the dazzling light burns up half of the sky. Looking out, accompanied by light green green mountains and bamboos, it is very beautiful.

    But now no one appreciates it.

    There was a chill in the slightly swaying carriage, and the sleeping girl was quiet and heart-wrenching.

    Zhao Sui lowered his eyes and held the soft porcelain-white Rou Yi, and the shadows in his eyes spread.

    He wouldn't just accept his fate, all his efforts were wasted and he gave up. It was never what Zhao Sui followed.

    He lowered his eyes to restrain the deep meaning in his eyes, and it was still difficult to accept in his heart. The girl who was obviously alive and free yesterday was now unconscious.

    His heart was full of remorse, and it was only his fault that he neglected her carelessly yesterday and put her in danger.

    The softness of his palm moved slightly, and Zhao Sui clenched it tightly.

    "Ruan Ruan?" The

    man's voice was hoarse and trembling, making Shen Ci, who opened his eyes in the mist, feel a little strange.

    She couldn't feel the pain all over her body, but when she looked up and saw the man's face, she couldn't help but smile.

    That smile was too astringent, making the man's heart feel sour.

    "Zhao Sui, how did you... get yourself so dirty?"

    Her voice was so soft that she had no strength, and it went on and off, so soft that she couldn't hear it if she wasn't serious.

    As Shen Ci spoke, the tears rolled down the bottom of her eyes, drop by drop on the man's articulated palm.

    She stared at him, as if afraid of falling asleep.

    She knew that she might not be able to see the sun tomorrow, obviously this is the ending she has been longing for, but she really felt a little reluctant to let it go.

    Zhao Sui wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, and coaxed her in a hoarse voice: "Ruan Ruan, live well, okay?" The

    man's attitude was too humble, causing Shen Ci's inner line of defense to collapse.

    She shook her head, her heart was very painful: "Zhao Sui, I'm sorry! I'm not the person you are looking for, so I can't promise you."

    Her voice was getting lower and lower, as low as a mosquito, almost inaudible. .

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