The two hashira

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"Akaza Dono! Hey!" The hashira in question gritted his teeth and swung a strong punch in the direction the voice was coming from, not bothering to aim his hit properly. It didn't matter to him where he hit on the other man, as long as it hurt enough to make him go away for once. Douma ducked under the blow and grabbed the younger man's tattooed arm before he could take another swing at him, laughing softly at the others' irritated face. "As much as i don't mind you letting your anger out on me my dear friend" he started teasingly. "I would rather not have another black eye!, the last one you gave me just healed!. Ignoring the obvious tease, Akaza kicked him in the shin and grabbed his arm back, rolling his eyes when the blonde let out a surprised yelp and raised his recently kicked knee off the ground, but never once dropping that stupid smile of his. God, he irritated Akaza so much.

Douma was two years older than him, and was in many ways a stronger slayer than he was, aside from brute physical strength where he took the upper hand. In his opinion Douma was irritating, childish and a privileged brat. Not seeming to understand when he wasn't wanted around, which in Akaza's case was all the time. He basically followed Akaza around, and took every opportunity to share missions with him, despite how many times he was told forcibly to go the hell away. Douma's adopted children, his fellow hashiras Daki and Gyutaro, seemed to be the only people that had the patience to deal with Douma most of the time, as like Akaza, the others weren't too keen on the overly affectionate, and infuriatingly cheerful man in the most part. He was straight up weird, in so many ways that Akaza would need a list as long as a road to put to words all the ways the blonde was a weirdo. He had a sneaking suspicion he was only kept around for his strength and skill, as their master, Muzan usually had such a short temper for people that annoyed him, yet Douma hadn't been fired yet which was a miracle in itself. 

Akaza pushed him away roughly by the shoulder and walked away, praying to any gods out there that Douma would take the hint and leave him alone. It seemed the gods really hated him though, as he heard the light footsteps running to catch up with him as soon as he had left the courtyard. Just excellent. "Akaza dono wait!" Douma called after him, paying no attention to how obviously he was being ignored. Sometimes Akaza couldn't tell if Douma was really this unobservant and genuinely couldn't see the hints he laid out so clearly for him, or else he did notice and chose to ignore it and annoy Akaza anyway. The last option was probably the right one, Akaza thought grudgingly, as the older man couldn't have been that dumb could he?. He shrugged in dismissal and started walking faster than he had been before. It was Douma. Anything was possible at this point.

Slightly quicker than he had guessed, Douma had caught up with him and was easily matching his swift walking pace with his much longer stride. "Akaza we have a mission together" Douma sighed, pulling out one of his golden battle fans and fanning himself idly as they walked. "That's what I was trying to tell you when you so rudely walked away!" The pink haired man groaned loudly in frustration and slowed his pace back down to his normal walk, crossing his arms over his chest to show his annoyance at the news. "Would you quit claiming all the same missions I have?!" He snapped angrily, glaring up at the other who was grinning widely behind the cover of his fan. "Why in the hell are you so obsessed with me?! Isn't it clear I hate your existence!" Douma giggled and moved his fan away from his face, throwing the weapon a few feet above his head, allowing it to do a full 360 spin before catching it neatly in his hand, narrowly missing the sharp edges of the war fan as he caught it on the metallic handle. "Hate my existence?" He questioned, continuing to flip the fan as he walked. "My, my don't you think that's a bit harsh Akaza dono?". Akaza gritted his teeth and elbowed him in the side purposefully, causing the blonde to stumble and miss the fan as it fell towards his hand, sending the weapon crashing down where it landed on his foot, cutting through the thin sock and puncturing his foot almost the whole way through. "AH- FUCK OW-" Douma swore, hopping on one leg and bringing his injured foot up to his hand to pull the fan out gingerly, wincing as he drew it out of the skin of his foot. Akaza tried his best to contain a smirk as he continued walking forwards, leaving the other man fall behind him. "That should teach you not to play with weapons" he called behind him, "what are you five?!"

Despite the agony he must have been in at this point, Douma managed to smile back at him. "I'll meet you at the entrance to the forest once you get the mission from Muzan sama!" He yelled after the back of his co-worker, who was rapidly walking away as fast as he could. Akaza ignored him and turned the corner briskly, putting as much distance between them both as possible. Despite himself he found himself thinking of the other with a little bit more respect than before for smiling through such a painful situation , after quickly shaking his head to erase the ridiculous thoughts from his brain. He scoffed to himself, hating how he regretted injuring a fellow hashira just to try scare him from working with him. Sure he didn't like how the taller man always followed him around, but causing him to impale his own foot was a bit..extreme even for him. Whatever. No matter how much he regretted it, it's not like he was going to give the other ideas by apologizing. He had deserved it in a way anyways. Maybe it would teach him to leave when he wasn't wanted. Even as he thought it, Akaza knew it wasn't going to be that easy to shake him. Why was Douma so obsessed with him anyways? 

The Hashira's demon- A Doukaza swap au storyWhere stories live. Discover now