Chapter 3

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Shanks had had a long weekend with you even if the time had flown quicker in the end than he expected. He had found no way out of the house in his cat form and had missed all the good chances to turn back to his human form to make an easy escape. After all his failed attempts he chose to flee when you would go school on Monday. He hadn't even heard a thing about your school before you were stressing on Sunday night about all the unfinished assignments that you had forgotten or purposely ignored to enjoy the time with your new kitty.

On Saturday evening after waking up and breakfast you two had continued lazing on the couch, you criticizing the show you had been watching along with telling him about the cats you have had in the past. When Shanks had gotten hungry he tried still in his cat form to ask for something to eat, only for you to offer him some ice cream. He looked at you judgingly not accepting the ice cream, making you somehow order takeout for both of you. By the condition of your fridge he believed that you weren't much of a cook with the lack of real ingredients. The answer came quickly when you confessed to him that it would be a disaster to have you cook anything else other than eggs.

The rest of the Saturday evening went quietly, you lazing around the house. He had even dragged you in the bed a couple hours earlier than you would actually go to sleep on weekends. He got you in bed by his demanding ways to lure you to get up from the couch and finally go to sleep. Continuous head putting and meowing seemed to work on you more effectively than the softer ways he started with. He just wanted to fall asleep in bed with your warmth from the cold of the night.

Sunday went at the same pace but this time you dragged him with you to the bakery near you to get some midday breakfast. It was quite odd to drag your cat with you, but you just carried him tucked inside your coat not wanting to leave him alone at home. The bakery's owner wasn't some stranger to you so she didn't mind that you needed your cat with you to choose what you would pick. Well she didn't really get that you needed the kitty to choose what he wanted because he still seemed to be against cat food that you tried to offer him after finding some from your cabinet. Maybe it had expired already even if the date said that it would go bad only in a year or so.

The rest of the day went at the same pace as Saturday, but you also did some tidying around the house, for example picking all the clothes you had on your bedroom floor and putting them in the wash. You ordered something for you to eat when the cat started to whine again. But finally at night, already late, you remembered all the school work you still had undone. So you started working on them in a hurry and your brains locked already in need of sleep. You finished all the assignments at three in the morning after a couple hours of working with them. Well you might have gotten a bit distracted with your cute cat on your lap or just losing yourself scrolling through different social media platforms. The cat had been staying the whole time on your lap dozing off from time to time while trying to keep himself awake with you. After you were done you had just flopped on your bed with your cat, crawling under the warm covers and lying your head on the soft cushions with you cat close.


The first thing that brought you out of your slumber was your annoying alarm going off. You reached your hand in the direction of your nightstand to tap the alarm off from your phone. After the annoying sound stopped you slumped deeper in the pillows and blankets with your cat clinging on you, promising that you would rest your eyes for a couple minutes before getting up.

Of course you fell asleep again, always the eye resting failing and you falling back to sleep. You woke up again on your own, a bit more satisfied with two more hours of sleep. The satisfaction you just felt disappearing when you checked the time from the phone. Your first lesson had ended and your second lesson was about to start. You were already late from the bus that could get you to the lesson starting in time so you probably should go through some complicated way to school or just wait longer for the next bus. You noted that you were still in bed and quickly got your ass up from the bed annoyed. Screw the cat too that had made you too comfortable to continue sleeping with him with no worries whatsoever in the world. The kitty was still lying lazily in the bed with a way too pleased smile on his little face to your liking. Well maybe it was good that somebody could live their life happily like that. How you envied kitties for that.

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