Do you want to know what my ability is? Hailey telepathed. "Yes" I said. " I can time travle and I can bend people's minds." Hailey said. " Have you learned to teleport yet?" I said. Yes she telepathed. Show me I telepathed. Then she vanished in a glimmer of pink sparkles and reappeared behind me. Good you will be in charge of teaching them, I waved my hand at the other girls, how to teleport and Alyssa is the only one with experience. I will teach everything else. So we attended classes in the morning and practiced in the afternoon. Everything was fine until Alyssa had another vision. In her vision a woman by the name of Katara would try to take over the U.S. and only we could stop her. The question was should we join her or go against her. We decided to go against her. Although we plan on coming up with a plan and mastering out abilities.

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