《Chapter Three》

Start from the beginning

Then I ran away from him like the devil himself was chasing me, out of the laundry room, past the living room to the kitchen. I grabbed a large kitchen knife and spun around to face the demon that chased me. He stopped by the counter island, giving an angry smile. "Darling." He hissed. "I forgive you for your little action, but it may be the only time." "Then you'd be lying about your stupid little peace offerings." I hissed back. Alastor let out a small growl while getting closer to me. A loud thwack echoed through the room and Alastor fell, Jacob standing behind with the bat in his hands. He tossed the bat towards the couch and ran to the sink, vomiting in it. After a long moment, he stopped and stood up, letting out a sigh. "You... You owe me." He said. I nodded. "Yeah, I know." Jacob stood back up and turned around. "So what is that thing?" He said, gesturing to the unconscious demon on the floor. "That'd be Alastor, he's a demon and the 'future husband' as he called himself." I replied, walking towards Alastor. "What should we do with him?" I asked. My roommate walked up as well and shrugged. "I dunno.. Tie him up till he wakes up? We should question him before the police do cause they may not tell us everything he says." He suggested. "Great idea." I replied, grabbing the demon by the arm and dragging him towards the basement door.

Jacob followed and watched me open it with an unsure look. "Uh, (Y/n)? Do you think it's a good idea to keep him in the basement of all places? It's kinda weird." He asked. "That's exactly why! He was weird to me so I'm returning the favor." I replied before kicking the unconscious killer down the stairs and watching his painful departure. Jacob looked down into the dark room with a shocked expression. "Holy shit (N/n)." He chuckled. I gave a satisfied smile before turning away. "Now, can you tie him up? I'm gonna grab some rope, maybe a taser to make him talk." He shook his head. "No! Absolutely not!" "Then I'll make you go outside to get groceries next time." "..." "Thought so."


I woke to a sharp pain all over my body and a bright light above me. I went to block the light with my hand but I was tied to a chair with rope and duct tape. Someone obviously doesn't want me escaping. I thought to myself before looking around the room. When I looked behind me, I saw Jacob looking at his phone with an anxious expression. "Ah, my dear friend Jacob! May you be a dear and help untie me?" I asked, startling him. "H-Hell no! I don't trust you, (Y/n) doesn't trust you, even Phango doesn't trust you!" He yelled while pointing in front of me. I looked to where he was pointing and saw the familiar half blind Maine Coon staring up at me. "Well hello there, Phango." I smiled. Phango let out a small meow and jumped up onto my lap, rubbing his face against my shoulder. "You were saying?" I laughed while looking back at him. Jacob scoffed and crossed his arms and stayed as far away as he could from me. Humming softly, I waited patiently for (Y/n) since I knew she'd come soon. It was just a matter of time.

"Why do you even like her? You know she'll never love you, right?" I heard my lover's closest friend say. I shrugged slightly, keeping my eyes on the stairs. "Maybe, maybe not. She'll choose the best choice, the correct choice. And as for loving her? Well, it seems after you stalk someone for a while you can grow feelings for them. I was planning on killing you both but you're lucky these feelings have blossomed." I replied. About a minute of silence later, the basement door opened and I saw (Y/n) walk down the stairs, a taser in her left hand. "Alright, either you can be nice and answer each question truthfully or get tased." She said. My smile widened slightly. "Oh darling, what if I like pain?" I cooed. "Then I'll tase ya in the dick, I know you don't like your cum shooter getting hurt so I'll just tase you there." (Y/n) replied while pointing the taser at me. My ears dropped back as I scoffed. "Fine. I'll answer each question truthfully then." I rolled my eyes. "Good." The woman said with a satisfied smile and scooting the cat off my lap.

"Now, why are you here and not in Hell where you should be?" She asked. "I stole some Asmodean crystals from Lucifer during a party his daughter was hosting." I replied. (Y/n) frowned and turned the taser on. "I asked why, not how." She said, giving a few warning shocks with it. I rolled my eyes and replied again. "To kill and eat fresh human flesh of course. You were quite the addition, my love." I said with a purr. The woman gave a disturbed look and backed away slightly. "Ok.. Now back to your first answer. What are Asmodean crystals?" She asked. "Asmodean crystals are crystals specifically handed out by Asmodeus to Succubi and Incubi so they could travel to the living world to fulfill their missions of adultery." I explained. (Y/n) gave a puzzled look before nodding. "Makes sense. My last question: Why me?" She asked while crossing her arms. I gave a small shrug. "Something about you intrigues me. Makes me crave more-" "Ok shut up shut up! I dont want some long essay like response!" She covered her ears, not wanting to hear more.

"Alright, now we've got our questions, it's time to turn you into the police." Jacob said eagerly. "Turn me into the police and I'll do more than just a few murders." I said with a chuckle. (Y/n) uncovered her ears and shook her head. "So there's no way to make you go back to Hell?" I shook my head as well. "No. I'm not leaving without you. Or we could make some sort of agreement to make me stop killing innocent people." I offered. The woman tilted her head slightly and narrowed her (e/c) eyes at me. "It depends. What do we have to do for you to stop your killings?" She asked before crossing her arms, turning the taser off in the process. My smile widened as I hummed. "Well, untie me and give me the taser, we may talk." "Are you fucking insane?! Don't listen to him!" I heard Jacob say from behind me. (Y/n) stared into my eyes with an angry look. Letting out a heavy and agitated sigh, she walked over to me to tear the tape off and untie me. "(Y/n) what the fuck!" Jacob yelled. The woman I adored handed me her weapon and looked up at me. "So now what? Do I sell my soul to you or something?"

"Oh no no no! That would be a last resort sort of thing if our agreement wouldn't work. You let me stay here for as long as I'd like and I won't kill another innocent person here again. Does that sound fair?" I asked while tilting my head. (Y/n) put her hand on her chin, thinking. "Hmm... sounds fair to me." She agreed. "Perfect!" I replied. "What?! Don't I get a say in this?!" Jacob panicked while running to (Y/n). "Jacob, think of it. We don't have to worry about those disgusting rotting gifts anymore! Plus Officer Hills won't have to come back anymore!" She replied. Her first comment hurt. I spent time and put my love into preparing those gifts. "But (Y/n), what if he hurts us?" He asked. "He's not gonna hurt us, he'd be breaking his stupid little peace offerings AND our agreement. We are innocent people after all." She replied, wrapping an arm around her friend. "Trust me, we'll be ok." I stood behind them and wrapped my arms around the pair. "You won't regret this, ma chérie. We are going to have so much fun!" I said with a chuckle. Jacob immediately pulled away from me while (Y/n) hesitated before doing the same. "Yeah, yeah. Now quit it." She scoffed and walked away. This'll be quite the fun time!

(A/n) Another done woo woo. I've just started school and with school comes bored author so the schedule will be a little bit wonky, hope u guys enjoyed it though

𝕋𝕆𝕏𝕀ℂ 𝕃𝕆𝕍𝔼(Yandere! Alastor X Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now