Chapter 6: Barcode

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It was the day of performance

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It was the day of performance. There were special judges for today's performance. Apart from audience vote. 10 special judges can give 20 points max to each group too. So total 200 points were in judges hands. They were all famous rappers and singers like G1, Junoflow, Giant Pink, Nada, Basick, sleepy etc.
Audience can give 300 points so total 500 points can be given. Other teams has performed and it was finally BJ & Haon turn.
When they came on stage Nada asks them, "Since ep 1 there was something going on between you two. Since you both have come so far, tell me honestly who likes whom more."
BJ blushed at this. Haon answered,"In the begining, I think I approached him first a lot but now he is clings to me." To this Vinxen blushed harder. He lowered his head so others can't see. He was smiling like an idiot right now. yes he was whipped for Haon.
The audience went crazy hearing this and shouted their lungs out.
Nuksal asks, "Do any of you had any problem while preparing for the performance"
Groovyroom Hwimin, "I had one"
" No one asked you"
"But I wanna say. We went to a restaurant the four of us together. But these two were lost in themselves and got so cocky when high school students all surrounded them"
To this Haon and BJ laughed awkwardly
"I thought we almost got exposed" BJ thought. But does hyungs know about his little crush on Haon.
It wasn't like Hwimin and Gujyeong didn't know but they chose to ignore it cause who doesn't have a puppy love at that age, it was just Hwimin wanted to tease them a little.
Nuksal asked them, "what rank do u expect to get"
Byungjae,"We will just go with the flow. We just want to enjoy our performance and hope audience and judges will enjoy it too."
Haon looked proud of his answer like a mentor is proud of his disciple.
To this Nuksal said, "that's haon influence. You are finally one team"
Sleepy asks," your hairs are so long, can you even see with it."
BJ," I wanted to grow a ponytail so I started growing hair. But now I am unable to see"
To this everyone started laughing.
"So have you ever thought of cutting it."
"If we go to next round I'll cut it for sure."
With Haon by his side, Byungjae was more confident now. All his insecurities were gone, so he didn't mind cutting his hair.

Junoflow, "tell me something about your performance"
Haon," I see the world in positive view"
Vinxen, " I see the world in negative view. This song is named Barcode 'cause once when I was shopping with my mom and I saw this black and white barcode that's like my life and the light coming from the machine which reads the barcode is like Haon so yeah I named this song barcode. While I'm being pessimist, Haon will try to contradict me and try to bring me to light." like how he did in real life. "It's like a conversation between me and Him" Haon added
Audience started shouting at this. And the judges smiled. They began their performance

After the performance, everyone was waiting for score. BJ and Haon performance was highly praised by the judges. They could feel their emotions in it. Haon performed without any mistakes and this emo rap got to everyone.
The results were as expected they got 190 out of 200 from judges that was highest. From audience also they got 281 out of 300. So out of 500 they had 471 and came rank 1. They were so happy that they became all jumpy and hugged each other. BJ even wanted to kiss Haon at this moment but had to control himself. He was proud of himself for not letting his Haon down. He knew Haon was the best, he just was afraid he will drag them down. Haon also felt proud of both of them.


~Extra Scene~
*Interview with staff*

BJ: Haon is so cute and fun
Staff: what is so cute about Haon
BJ smiles thinking about Haon. He remembers all their moment since the show started, how Haon approached him first and how he hated it at that moment but soon he got close to him and now he doesn't want Haon to leave him.
He remembered one time during performance of others when they were waiting and Haon was feeling cold he lent his scarf to him and rubbed his hand. He was proud of himself for it. Thinking all this BJ was now like a red tomato with a creepy smile
Staff didn't let this moment go and started teasing him, "So he is cute by just thinking about him."
BJ: Ah no, no.
Although he denied but in his own heart he knew how cute Haon was and how whipped of a person BJ was.

AN: Sorry I was gone for a long time.. I had my college and exams so I stopped writing it. I didn't know if I wanted to continue it cause I am so lazy. Well now I have started again n I forgot what I wrote previously 🤦🏼‍♀️. Ignore grammatical errors 'cause yeah English is not my first language and this chapter may not be that good but I will try better next time

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