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The next day, I put on some baggy jeans and a crop top before heading to the bowling place. I texted the group and realized that I was the first one there, so I went to the front to rent two lanes. "Are you sure you need two lanes?" Asked the worker.

"Yea, my friends will be here any minute. There's seven of us." I responded.

"It'll be five-thousand yen an hour for two lanes. I'll need a card to put this on. It's just an assurance policy. Will you be renting the shoes too? It's one-thousand yen a pair for an hour."

"Uhm." I had no idea bowling was so expensive. "I don't have a card. I'm a high schooler."

"I got it." I heard a deep voice say from behind me. I turned to see Bakugo pull out a card and hand it to the lady. "I'll pay for the lanes and two pairs of shoes for me and her. Those other guys can rent their own shoes."

"What shoe sizes?" Asked the worker.

"Nine and a half in mens."

"Seven in womens." I responded.

The worker quickly got our shoes and handed them to us. "You're lucky that your boyfriend got here right on time."

I immediately felt flustered and looked at Bakugo to see him quickly avoid eye contact. "H-He's not my boyfriend." I stuttered.

" I stuttered

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"... Sure. Your lanes are nine and ten." We took our things and texted the group before sitting down.

"Thank you for helping out." I smiled. "That was sweet of you."

"I expect to be paid back by everyone. How can you not have a card when Endeavor's your father? He gives you an allowance, right?" He said it in a kinda mean way and I just began feeling annoyed again.

 How can you not have a card when Endeavor's your father? He gives you an allowance, right?" He said it in a kinda mean way and I just began feeling annoyed again

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"Of course." I huffed. "Because my father's the number two hero, I'm automatically spoiled with riches, right?" I glared at him and sat further away. "How could I just assume that you were being nice to me? Don't worry. I'll pay you back for every cent you spent on me. Are you gonna start charging for acts of service too, since my daddy's rich? How much are you gonna charge me for that hug at the festival? Fifty-thousand?"

Icyhot #2 (OCxBakugo)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant