Saving the Little Wolf

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Hi! I know that I haven't been posting for a month, and I'm sorry for that I was dealing with some problems, but this month I will try to update a lot thank you and enjoy!💕

⚠ This chapter may contain inappropriate word for some ⚠

[Rebekah walks into Elijah's bedroom while he's finishing getting dressed in dry clothes and stands in the doorway]

REBEKAH: [smiles] The unlinking worked! Maybe now we can make plans--

Elijah: Not now, Rebekah. Can we discuss this when I return?

[Elijah walks toward the door in a hurry]

REBEKAH: [sighs in frustration] I won't be here when you return.

Elijah: [stops walking and turns to Rebekah] That sounds like a goodbye.

REBEKAH: ...I guess it is. I only came to New Orleans to make sure you were safe. You are. I thought that I might be able to convince you to come with me, but here you are, rushing into whatever Klaus and Marcel and the witches have cooked up. And I finally get it. [She starts to tear up] You'll never leave this city. You'll never leave Klaus.

[Elijah looks at her sadly and walks toward her]

Elijah: Then you should stay.

REBEKAH: [shakes her head] This thing that you and Klaus and Marcel have, I want no part of it. [Tears fall down her cheeks as she cries] I just want to be free.

Elijah: [sadly] Well, then, go. [He kisses her on the cheek] You are free!

[Elijah leaves, and Rebekah tries to compose herself]

[Marcel finishes his drink as Rebekah walks into his bedroom]

MARCEL: Rebekah. Twice in one night. To what do I owe the pleasure?REBEKAH: Call me old-fashioned, but I believe farewells are best in person.MARCEL: [inhales sharply] You got Elijah back, and now you two are gonna tuck-tail and run? Smart girl. [beat] Have a nice life.REBEKAH: He's staying. And I'm not running, I'm disembarking a sinking ship. MARCEL: People have been saying this city's been sinking since I was a boy. It ain't going anywhere. But hey! [He grabs a bottle of scotch] How 'bout one for the road?

[He starts pouring scotch into a glass]

REBEKAH: Why? So you can liquor me up and convince me to stay?MARCEL: [stands up and gets in her face] Why else did you come here?REBEKAH: I came to say goodbye.MARCEL: [whispers in her ear] Then say it.

[The stare into each other's eyes for a long moment]

REBEKAH: Forget it.

[She turns to leave, but Marcel grabs her wrist and pulls himself toward her, kissing her passionately. She pushes him away and glares at him for a moment, but then runs up to him and starts kissing him. He pushes her away and they start to undress as they make out. Rebekah shoves him onto a chair and sits on his lap as they start to have sex] 

[Klaus, Agnes, and Father Kieran are still arguing in the church]

Klaus: You're a piece of work, Agnes. But, guess what? I'm quite a piece of work myself. You know, I contemplated leaving bits of you artfully arranged outside your family's tomb? I thought it would leave a fitting message. [He zooms over to Agnes and pulls her up into a choke-hold] Don't. Touch. My. Family.

[Elijah enters and approaches them at the front of the room]

Elijah: Leave her.

[Klaus pulls Agnes into a headlock and stands back as he watches Elijah walk down the aisle toward them]

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