Hallucinaton!2P!England x Insane!OC // Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Diary entry #7

It's been a few days since my last Nightmare and my Birthday.

I don't see Oliver as much as i did.

Doesn't he like me anymore?

I am again in this stupid room without corners.

Stupid Stupid Stupid Stupid.

Diary entry #8

I didn't write for a long time.

They took my Diary. Like they did with Oliver.

I miss him so much.

Diary entry #9

I've still didn't see Oliver around.

They said it is getting better and i could walk around in the Asylum.

It's so Cold and dark here. I really mean that.

It looks more like Jail.

I stopped in front of a „Cell" and in it was a man, very tall and with a scarf around his neck.

Well, he hung kinda from the Ceiling with the scarf around his neck...

i just shrugged it off, giggled at his funny grimace and continued to walk.

I passed many Cells with different People in it.

It seemed like, everyone would talk a Different Language.

It is very interesting.

Diary entry #10

I walked around again today.

Today there wasn't the Man with the scarf anymore.

I was kind of sad, he looked nice and cute.

Whatever. There was an interesting girl with a pretty, nice white jacket.

It didn't seem really comfortable but it seemed warm.

She screamed ,,brother" and something in a strange language i couln't really understand.

Diary entry #11

I had some company Today as i walked around.

His name was Ludwig beilschmidt, one of the doctors i now like.

He and Eliza are the nicest to me and they don't even try to take Oliver away from me.

We walked trough many Hallways and he said something to every Person that was in cell.

We stopped in front of two Dark doors with the sign 'Danger!' on them in blood red.

He said i shouldn't ever go in there if i want to live.

I wonder what's behind these Doors.

Hetalia Stuff~Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt