The Perfect Day

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Dear Diary,

I  hate him.
If someone would read this they would think 'oh haha just normal diary stuff.' I know it sounds as cliché as it can get but with everything going to shits today.... I deserve to rant in here. Diaries have always helped so I am not backing down from it. Everyone finds him cool but he is one of the few people I hate. It is difficult to hate someone.. or to be hated... but he accomplished it. I have so many things to tell you. You are going to be blown away by these events ( yes, I am keeping it dramatic ). Hopefully, I am going to find this diary in the future and think 'oooh yeaaah that dude! He was a little shit!' 


'Mate I need to take a piss.' Louis pinched the bridge of his nose. 'You have been saying that for at least half an hour just go?' Niall turned around and walked to the back of the store to look for a bathroom. Meanwhile, Louis was looking for crackers in the aisle. It was a chilly day outside and the clouds covering the sky seemed to duplicate by the second. Something was going to happen.

'Aaand it is raining.'

Today has been an accomplished day for Louis. He had the perfect awkward fall in front of people at the university, the perfect coffee spilled on his brand new ( and expensive ) shirt and now it is raining. The universe hates him. Louis waited a few more minutes before Niall came back from the bathroom. 'Was it that difficult to find the bathroom or did you just chill in there for a few minutes?' Niall looked at Louis with a big smile while walking towards the exit of the store. 'No, no there was only one toilet so I needed to wait outside for a bit.'

The moment they opened the doors of the store the sky was one big waterfall. In the morning Niall encouraged Louis to go to the store with him. Without the car. 'So.... Uber?' Niall looked at Louis with an unamused face 'No, no Uber....' With a quizzical look, Louis turned his head to Niall who was on the brink of spilling out a loud laugh. 'Louis, that was sarcastic I am not going to walk in the rain and freeze to death.' They both laughed while Louis grabbed his phone to order an Uber. Niall is always an interesting person to have around. He can lift your mood unconsciously. Even when you had the worst day ever. Louis and Niall became friends at the University but they already knew each other from football. Now they do everything together. When Niall is crying over someone, Louis would be there for him with ice cream and his favorite movies within seconds. If it is the other way around it would be the same.

'Louis, do you remember that kid at football practice that would just watch and study stuff?' Of course, Louis knew who it was. Before University there was this kid always sitting near the field studying. He was a close friend of Zayn. When football practice was done the kid always waited on Zayn so they could catch up about their day. Zayn is still a close friend of Louis but he never became friends with the kid. ' Yeah of course I remember him. He was there almost every time we practiced.' Niall nodded his head (very obviously) to the left.

Louis had no idea what to expect when he looked in the direction of Niall's overdramatic head nods. A slim man was leaning against the windowsill of a candy store to stay out of the rain. The facial expressions of the man suggest that he also wants to go somewhere without rain. 'Niall, why am I looking at this random person that is not cheery.' Meanwhile, Niall was looking at his Instagram and typing in  Harry Styles.  Louis looked towards Niall's phone and back to the man. The man leaning against the windowsill is  Harry Styles.  Niall grabbed Louis's shoulder. 'Mate you are not going to believe this.' Louis who was very confused removed Niall's arm gently from his shoulder. 'Niall I have no clue what you are on about so just say it because this is not making any sense '. Without a warning, Louis heard a loud voice screaming next to him.


The man whose name is Harry was disoriented by a sudden scream of Niall. After a moment of silence he gave an unsure 'Alright?' and started walking towards Niall and Louis in the rain. Louis quickly checked the Uber app and it was halfway there so they were going to be there for a while. 'Hi, I am Niall you are Harry right?' Niall put out his hand to shake hands with Harry. 'Uhmmm.....How do you know my name?' he accepted Niall's hand and was unsure about what to expect. 'You are a friend of zayn right? You probably do not remember but we are his teammates from University.' Harry's face relaxed. 'That's why you two look so familiar!' The rain was still pouring and Louis was awkwardly standing next to Niall. He was perplexed that that man was the little kid that studied near the football field.

'How are you? I always wondered what happened to teammates of Zayn.' The ecstatic Irish man put a hand around Louis's shoulder. ' We are doing great, bit busy with university and football but that's life.' At the same time squeezing stunned Louis to get him to talk, he finally gets out of his trans and Harry gives him a small smile. 'You are still a friend of Zayn, right?' Louis returned the smile 'Yeah we are still good mates... Do you go to a University?' Harry's eyes lid up as soon as Louis said that. 'I am doing a teaching program to become a teacher.' Both of the boys were not shocked about that. Harry was the kind of kid that always helped others. Niall tried to put his arm around Harry's neck with Louis still under his arm. He succeeded to do it somehow. 'This is one big reunion, if Zayn was here he would have finished it off.' Niall, who was very giddy was having the time of his life. Louis just wanted to get in the Uber and go home and Harry was calm and delighted by the sudden reunion.

They talked for a while and waited on the Uber. when the Uber finally came they said their goodbyes. In the car, Niall quickly opened the window and yelled at Harry. 'HARRY GIVE ME YOUR NUMBER'. Without hesitation, Harry walked towards the car to give Niall his number. Louis was snickering next to Niall. 'Do you have a crush on him Niall?' He turned around with a broad smile after exchanging numbers with Harry. 'I am just being a good wingman for my dearest friend'. With red cheeks, Louis softly punched Niall's arm. 'Dickhead my romantic life is perfectly fine there is no need to do that. Also, IT IS WEIRD'. Niall just laughed at that while the Uber driver tried to hold in a laugh.

The Uber driver dropped Niall and Louis off at their apartment. They went inside quickly. Niall turned on the television to watch Netflix. 'Ni I am going to sleep alright?'. A soft 'Okay' came out of Niall's mouth. Louis was half asleep while walking toward his room. Accidentally misstepping he walked into the doorpost. Tired and agitated he laid down on his bed. 'Fucking perfect day today.'

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2022 ⏰

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