The cold family

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When cold heard that he have twins he came to see his wife, one of his son look like himself but the other one doesn't even look like him nor his wife ice (btw I watch a video that covers ice-demons they said ice was king cold wife name, which I didn't even know so that's pretty odd from my ice in other universe's) but she said he look like her father and name him ice because ice is a air name that carries from her family side and cold is alright with it and called the other one freiza. While growing up they are different people freiza is a cold hearted person and show no mercy an like hearing himself talk and ice is the opposite but he have anger problems but unlike his brother, ice he's more calm and rather does show mercy sometimes if things get dangerous then he does kill, and in the army ice actually help his trooper and be in the front lines with them unlike his father and freiza who sent men and don't care if they die or not they are just foot soldiers, an this doesn't sit right with king cold. Ice enter his father's throne
Ice-you need something father

King cold-no, just need to ask you something

Ice-what is it father

King cold-you do know, you don't have to go with your forces and protect them right, they are just soldiers

Ice-I know father, but helping with the soldiers out there and increasing our win

King cold-yes, but why risk your own life with them, they are below us, they are so easy to replace like this, men come in
Five soldiers came in
Soldier-need something lord cold

King cold-oh just your life's
Pointing one finger
Ice-father no
Cold killed his men
King cold-guards
Two show up
They are shock about the five dead soldiers
Cold king-replace them please

They took the corpse's away
King cold-see easy to replace

Ice-you killed them just to prove a point

King cold-yes, they are just too weak to be at our level, now leave

Ice-yes father
He took his leave and king cold just frown his son is just too weak
Father-just a other failure, but luckily I finally found a son who can take my throne
But ice and frieza do have a other thing different and that would be between power, freiza have a mutant potential but ice doesn't have it, cold give freiza it because he seems to be more better unlike his twin and he was right, but ice does train, he may not be the strongest but doesn't he won't train for it, and unlike freiza and his father he can't transform, they are changeling, but ice isn't it's rare, only women can't change but some men can't change like ice grandpa who wasn't a changeling. Few years have pass, they are in there father's ship
Ice-father were are we going

King cold-we are going to planet vegeta, where the saiyan's live and where your brother will rule

Freiza-ah, yes I did some research and they are just monkeys

Ice-hmm well congrats of being the new lord of the throne

Freiza-oh oh oh, well thank you twin of mine

King cold-ok, that's enough boys were here
They flew down, and saw the planet, from what ice got saiyan's go by classes like high-class, mid-class, and low-class but for the royal family it's royal-class, speaking of royal class there landing there, ice saw the saiyan's coming out from there castle. They landed, they got off, freiza sat on his chair while ice was just walking, when they meet king vegeta, freiza got off his chair because he want to "meet" them in person
King cold-it been awhile king vegeta

King vegeta-it's a honor to have you here great king cold
He was sticking a hand out but ice father didn't shake with it
King cold-these two are my sons, freiza and ice meet the saiyan king
They look at him but the king was scared even a glare
King vegeta-oh yes, it's a pleasure to meet you lord freiza and lord ice
They bow for them
King vegeta-welcome

Freiza-you'll find the pleasure is all mine

King cold-anyway I'll get straight to the point, I'm retiring from this moment on freiza will be your commander and ice will be his second hand. In other words, the cold force became the freiza force

King vegeta-ah does that mean

King cold-nothing changing, the saiyan's will continue to served under freiza orders but I should warn you, my son is a short tempered and cold hearted then I am
Frieza laugh's
Frieza-hello monkeys, I have high expectations for you for your sake I hope you live up to them, to commemorate my rise of power I brought along new combat item to aid, you in your servitude
Ice was holding the suitcase and open it up, it's what ice brother thought of, freiza and ice got one
Freiza-these devices are called scouters, you'll find they're far more compact and powerful than the sadly outdated surveillance scout scopes you've been using until now they also function as communications
Him and freiza put on the scouters, they turn them on
Frieza-this place should be familiar they show your targets position in battle power just like the oldest scopes used to uhh
He found something and ice saw too found snipers around

Freiza-indeed, and the snipers have a battle power of 2000 impressive don't you think
Killing all them
Freiza-I exhume you get the picture, they are useful are they not
The king look Angry
Freiza-I'll leave 500 units behind for your troops, and if you don't think that enough to complain, I think we are done here
They left
Freiza-I think that went well

Ice-I think it could have been better

Freiza-yes but I think it's a good way to show my power and who's in charge

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2022 ⏰

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