After the director, her helper and Cynthia see Arthur and Tessia left. The director turn her head towards her helper together with Cynthia, expecting some answers, "what kind of future did they have, Rinia?" "Arthur has a rather complicated one, he has two paths from what i see, both having the same fraction but different experience, good and evil; while for my niece, she has a interesting path, becoming one of the order of the white knights, or what we usually calls them, warlords?" Rinia answers as she grab her chin in a thinking position. The director thanks for her analysis and use some spell on her, then let her go back to rest.

Only Cynthia and the director is left in the room.

As soon Rinia left, the director sits on her chair at her table while Cynthia sits infront of her sipping a cup of tea. "You sure know how to increase my work, huh," the director asks in a frustrated tone. Cynthia laughs, "I'm sorry but that the least that i can ask from you, as you can see both of them have limitless potential, especially Arthur. Other than that, you wouldn't forget that i saved you from going into the afterlife, would you? Director or should i call you, Shizu sama?" Shiraori then glares at Cynthia, "and don't forget who is the one who lifts your curse, even if you don't save me, i can still live. Whatever, but what you said about the both of them is true, they have limitless potential but they would not be as strong as my kids, they are prodigies when born, their future have been set to arrive godhood, and even meet with one of the divine beast that is told by the prophecies." Shiraori then turn her chair towards the window and looking down at the city of Xevale and smiles, "the school will be more lively than it will ever be."

Silver and Silvie are doing their things in their own room, until they heard a knock in the door. Silver opens the door to see Arthur and Tessia outside. Silver lets them into the room, "So what took you so long?" Arthur sigh and look at Tessia which she nods as a sign to be able to tell the twins. Arthur then look at the twins, "some shocking discovery, Tessia's aunt is helping the director of the school together with lady Cynthia, and we....were granted an audience with the director of the academy." This statement shocks the twins and a lot of questions are straight up asking out from the twins toward Arthur. "How did the director look like? I heard that she have not seen by others including the king of Xevale." "What did the director say?" The twins bombarded these question to Arthur and Tessia.

"Calm down!" Tessia shouts.

The twins calmed down and look at her together with Arthur, "We were not told to keep quiet about the conversation, but since the director has hid their face till now, I believe that they thrust us not to expose their identity. Which i will respect their decision." Tessia says it to the twins, which made them grumble. Tessia and Arthur laughs at this sight, then they have dinner in the private dining room together with the Ada, Noah and Elaenor.

"So.......Ada san, where are the rest of the white knights?" Noah asks excitedly. Ada then takes out crystal ball to look at it for a while and reply, "Some of them are on a mission right now, while the top three are helping the South Elves to fight off the beastmans. "I that crystal ball...." Ada then cut off Eleanor, "Yes, the latest technology of both information and tracking system, it was invented by the current director."

Silver then frowns, "Just who is this director?" "A smart and secretive person, I'd guess" Silvie answered. They eat their dinner then proceed to go to their rooms and call it a day.

The next morning.

A knock could be heard at the door. "Silver, Silvie, are you ready ?" Arthur shouts behind the door, but then he heard voices from behind. "Oh, Arthur, just give us a minute then we can go" Silvie says which causes Arthur to jump up like a cat. "God, don't scare me like that..." Arthur says while holding his chest, recovering from the spook. They all laugh.

When they arrive at their location.

A mansion could be seen in front of them, at least three floors tall, as big as three houses combined from width to length. "Ummmmm, are you sure this is the right house, Arthur?" The twins asks and Arthur just nods and go and knock on the door. A maid opened the door and sees Arthur then quickly say, "oh, Arthur, you're back early." "No, I'm not here to meet my family this time, I'm here to drop this two off to meet Uncle Eugene." Arthur then continued, "I've got to go back to the academy now since I've got duty, please lead them to meet Uncle Eugene and tell my family i said hi." Arthur turns around then proceed to walk back to the academy.

The maid sees Arthur walk off then turn her gaze towards the twins, "please follow me." After a few minute of pacing around the huge mansion, the maid then stop in front of a door with the name Eugene on it. She then proceed to knock on the door and say, "Master Eugene, you have guest." "Bring them in," a voice can be heard from behind the door, and the maid opens the door and let the twins in. "What can i do for you?" a person doing some paperwork with a huge window behind him. "Oyasumi....." Silver recalls the word. The person drops the pen and straight up rush towards them, "Wh....who are you two to Shiraori?" he says, "We are her children, she told us to say this word when we met you, Uncle Eugene" Silvie replied. "So......did she...." Eugene stutter, the twins nods which cause Eugene to lean on his table and slam his fist. "Damn it," he cuss and then stares at the twins angrily, "How...." he says in a frustrated tone.

"Beastmans....." Silver replied calmly.

The twins then once again, talk about their journey to Eugene for a better understanding of the situation. After that, Eugene let out a frustrated sigh, but then a someone slams the door open and rushes in. "Are you okay brother, i heard shouting from your room," a man, around 30 years old, 5 feet tall, brown hair with glasses. Wearing a white shirt with a brown coat outside and a black tie. "Its nothing, please leave us alone for a while," Eugene answered back. "I...see, i will be at the living room if you need me," that person then proceed to go out of the room and shut the door. "Sorry for my brother, anyways, i never knew your mother's prediction would actually be true. I'm sorry for your loss" Eugene bows. "Its alright Uncle Eugene, so what does that word actually meant though?" Silvie asks, Eugene smile and says "its a code to us, only me and your mom knows about this since it was her who created this. We have three codes representing each situation, for 'oyasumi', it means goodnight in general but the implicit meaning would be "See you in the next life." Which I thought it would not be used anytime soon."

The atmosphere becomes heavy until Eugene decides to break it by leading the twins to introduce them to his family. While on the way to the living room, Eugene tells the twins about some of his family background. "My brother has a family while I remained single, I actually proposed to your mother but she refused for some personal reasons." The twins look at him with the expression that can be easily read as, are you serious. Eugene looks at them and continue "What! I mean she's an angel descended from heaven itself, who wouldn't want her." The twins just shrug off and they reached the living room, they then entered to see a few people in the room. 

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