Chapter 1

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Chapter 1


1986 was going to be my year. 

The past two years became absolute chaos the second Dustin arrived at my doorstep and dragged Steve and I into the mess that is the Upside Down, Eleven, and Hawkins Lab. No offense to El, but now that she was gone I felt better about how this year was going to go. That is, if I ever got to school.

"Mike!" I banged three times on my brother's door not waiting for an answer before swinging it open. "Ugh God, hurry up we're going to be late!" Mike flew out of bed, hiding a piece of paper behind his back. No doubt a letter from Eleven. "Put pants on and be downstairs in two minutes or I'm leaving without you." I closed the door behind me and held back a laugh as I heard crashing coming from the room.

"WHAT'S TAKING SO LONG?!" Nancy screamed from downstairs.

"I'M COMING!" I screamed back. I rushed down the stairs, almost tripping over myself once or twice, then jumped, skipping the last 3 steps at the end.

"Y/N, what did I say about skipping steps, you could twist an ankle!" my mom whined from the kitchen. I groaned in response.

"What the hell are you wearing?" My dad asked in his disapproving yet careless tone.

Between the two of us, Nancy was known as the golden twin. Her hair was always perfect, her clothes were always tucked into her jeans and her makeup never looked bad. While me on the other hand, I preferred cropped tanks and low waisted jeans. More room to breathe. Sometimes I wondered if our parents wished we were identical rather than fraternal. Both in looks and personality.

"Lectures later, ok guys, we're late!" Nancy said for me, turning the corner. She handed me a stack of waffles and stuck one of her own in her mouth.

"What are you wearing?" she said, barely audible through the waffle. I rolled my eyes and stuck an eggo in my mouth as well after screaming for Mike.


"I'M COMINGGGGGG!!" he screams back. I swing open the door and run out to the car, yelling for shotgun before Mike was even close enough to hear it. I shut the door to the passenger side and started to scarf down my waffles. My year, indeed.


I carefully unwrapped my sandwich from the paper wrap at lunch. This was probably the worst part of the day for me. The loudest room in the school at the loudest time of day. Lunchtime was the reason I brought my walkman to school. I often used it during class or in the hallway as well, but as soon as I sat down at lunch every day, I'd slip my headphones on and switch on the tape. 

I sat and listened intently to my music, on a constant loop set for comfort. I glanced up to watch as Mike and Dustin sat at the DnD table, whispering to each other. I watched as they leaned forward to speak to whoever was at the head of the table, a newspaper in their hands covering their face. 

Everyone at the table began arguing, and soon the head of the table put down the newspaper to reveal Eddie Munson, the DM of The Hellfire Club. I watched as they all started arguing, and Eddie started to look upset. I put my head down and tried to ignore the chaos at the DnD table. I looked up once more, this time at the person across the table from me. Max had just sat down, her headphones on as well. She set her tray down, observing her meatloaf with disdain.

I slid the headphones down to my neck and leaned forward to catch her attention.

"You okay, kid?" I had always thought of Mike's friends as my added siblings. Now that Will and El were gone I made it a priority to check up on the others.

Max looked up at me, and without removing her headphones nodded.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Before I could say anything else I was interrupted by an obnoxious shout.

"AS LONG AS YOUR INTO BAND-" I turned my attention to the DnD table again, "OR...PARTIES..." Eddie Munson stood on top of the table, stepping over plates and food of his party. "Or a GAME where you throw BALLS INTO LAUNDRY BASKETS!" he yelled across the cafeteria.

"You want something, freak??!" I turned to see Jason, captain of the football team, to me known as the asshole who ruined any sense of trust I had in guys, calling out across the room at Eddie. I rolled my eyes and tried to ignore the situation by resuming my music.

"I hate high school" Max said, glaring at the commotion beginning to eat her lunch.

"Me too kid, me too."

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