Chapter 1

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     You were out camping in the woods with your family, it was getting cold. It was late fall, and your family wanted to enjoy the last moments before the frigid season came into play, as well as before you moved to Sumeru. You were going to miss Liyue, but it was for your own good. Your parents were so anxious about not living under a gods rule, and the safest option was to head to Sumeru.

"Mom, I'm gonna head out, I wanna explore a little bit more before we move tomorrow." You yell to your mom, finding warmer clothes to throw on.

"Okay, but be careful, and don't forget your map, so you don't get lost and can't find your way back to us, and stay warm."

"Yes mom I know, we've gone over this," you began heading out deeper into the woods where you had been camping, the scenery was wonderful, the last of the leaves turning red, and gliding gently to the ground. The soft breeze making the leaves dance. The somber smell of winter polishing your nose.

On your way back, you noticed some hydro abyss mages, surrounding your camp, when you look down you see your mother. She isn't alive. Your father is on his knees, the abyss mage, is attacking, you soon realize. The moment you close your eyes you hear the mage chant incomprehensible words, and with that, your father is gone. You're in shock. You can't even process what's happening. Your body starts moving, you find yourself hiding behind a rock.

   After around 10-15 minutes the mage finally disappears, you come out of your hiding spot and look at your mother and father. Gone. You're speechless. You decided that your going to go to Sumeru and. fulfill what they wanted to do there. That's what they would've done for you. You decide that you're going to bury them, then head off the next morning. It wouldn't take too long because your just outside, the north of the Chasm.
   After a few hours of walking, with all of your essentials, you decided you were going to rest. From the way the sun was positioned, it seemed to be around 1:00PM. You were now at the top of the mountain separating the Chasm and Sumeru, it had been a long journey. You had estimated that if you were to wake up around 2:00PM, you would be at Gandharva Ville at 9:00PM at least. You weren't sure where you were going, you just knew you had to make it to Sumeru.


   I awoke to the sun still in the air, beaming right in my face. I began regaining my senses, I feel an almost burning sensation in my left hand that was outstretched. I look over to see an....Anemo vision? Never in a million years did I think that I would get one of these. I get up and decide to attach the vision to my hairclip. I grab my things and began descending down the mountain, humming random tunes on the way.

---Time Skip---
   You've finally made it to Avidya Forest, and you decided you'd rest by a tree.

   I shut my eyes and try to rest but my attempt was unsuccessful. I heard yelling.

   "Who the hell would be in the forest at this hour?" I ask myself. I open my eyes and look to where the noise was coming from. I see someone, my curiosity got the best of me and I climb up the tree I was resting on the moment before. I sit myself on a branch and watch, I see a male with what it seems to be dark black bluish hair, with a lime green streak going down his bangs, he appears to have a dendro vision and a intricate bow. He's fighting off some treasure hoarders. I was so focused on what was happening I didn't hear the branch snap. In under a few seconds I was falling, the next thing I know, it was dark, I couldn't hear or see anything. Just black, I had fallen unconscious.

𝓐𝓷𝓽𝓱𝓸𝓹𝓱𝓲𝓵𝓮 ♡ // Tighnari x Fem Reader//Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum