The Tale Of The Calix Animi

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Cuphead and Mugman ran home as fast as they could, when they arrived, they found Elder Kettle as Mugman shouted "Elder Kettle! You're not gonna believe what just happened to us!" Elder Kettle asked "What is it?" And Mugman said "We may have gone to places we shouldn't have. Like, we may have gone to Hell's Casino." Elder Kettle looked at them in shock and asked "What?! Why?" And Mugman said "Before you get mad, it was all Cuphead's fault! He was the reckless one today! Not me!" Cuphead looked at him and was about to say something before sighing and said "Yeah, it was me. Sorry Elder Kettle." 
They both explained everything that happened to them, and how the Devil is now after them, after telling Elder Kettle everything, Elder Kettle said "Oh god, my worst fear has been realized, you two are now in great danger, follow me! I need to tell you boys something." He took them both to the basement. He unlocked a storage closet and said "In here." They went inside as Cuphead said "You've never shown us what's in here before. What's this about?" Elder Kettle turned on the lights and said "This is what this is about." The light revealed a room that had large paintings on it. They all showed pictures of great warriors and stuff. Elder Kettle said "It's time I told you about our ancestors, 2,500 years ago, during the greek era, our ancestors were the king and queen of a powerful race of mystical warriors, known as the Calix Animi, they were born with special abilities that they used in battle. Our ancestor's daughter was the leader of their army." Cuphead looked at the painting that showed the leader of the army and saw what she looked like, she wore white robes and held a golden spear, but the surprising part was that her head and face looked exactly like Ms. Chalice. He said "Hey Elder Kettle, the leader of the Calix Animi looks very similar to this Ms. Chalice fella we met earlier." Elder Kettle looked at him and said "Impossible, she perished long ago." He continued on saying "Anyway, their daughter led this army of powerful warriors as she fought against you know who." Mugman then said "The Devil?" Elder Kettle said "Yes, the Devil, he's been around longer than we have, and he's been stealing people's souls for many years, but the Calix Animi was always there to try and stop him, they were rivals, and they battled on many occasions." 
*Cue flashback*
The Legendary Chalice and her army of fighters watched as the Devil and his army arrived. The Devil flew to the ground and got onto his feet, he pulled out his trident and saw them all standing there ready to face him. He summoned his army of demons. Chalice looked at the warriors behind her and shouted "This is where we hold them! This is where we fight! THIS IS WHERE THEY DIE!" All the fighters raised their weapons in the air. Chalice got her spear ready and shouted "Give them nothing! But take from them, everything! Whatever happens, do not let the Devil breach the city!! We must defend it at all costs! For we are the Calix Animi! And we defend the defenseless!" She then raised her spear in the air and shouted "CHARGE!" And the Calix Animi ran forward towards the Devil's army, the Devil ordered his demonic army to attack as they all flew forward, soon, they attacked each other. Several fighters shot blue bullets out of their fingers and even did a powerful blast as well, the fight continued on for a while, soon, Chalice went to go confront the Devil, which he was busy slicing fighters apart with his trident, Ms. Chalice shot her finger gun at him rapidly, the Devil quickly blocked them with his trident, he ran at Chalice to attack her, but Ms. Chalice used her dash ability to phase right through him and then, as the Devil turned around, Ms. Chalice stabbed him in his shoulder with her spear! The Devil fell to his knees and screamed in pain, Ms. Chalice then pulled the spear out as the Devil's minions showed up to take their injured leader away, soon, the Devil's army retreated. Ms. Chalice raised her spear in the air and cheered over her victory. They had triumphed over the Devil once again.
*End flashback*
Cuphead then asked "So, what happened to them then?" Elder Kettle sighed and said "You see kids, they were defending the last two vials that contained the powers of the Calix Animi, the Devil found out about this power and attacked their home to take it, thankfully the King and Queens daughter was able to get them to safety, before she, and the entire Calix Animi fell before the Devil, their entire civilization wiped out." Mugman asked "Wait, so if they're our ancestors, but they were all wiped out, then how are we here?" Elder Kettle then said "Oh, very few escaped the destruction, had families of their own, now we are all that remains of their civilization. But now that the Devil is after you both, I fear I may have to take drastic measures to protect you..." He then reached for a drawer and pulled out two vials. "Are those..." Asked Cuphead. "Yes, they're the last two vials that contain the powers of the Calix Animi, Pork Rind had them, when I saw them, I instantly bought them and kept them here to prevent the Devil from finding them, now they're yours." Cuphead took one of them and said "Well, the thing is Elder Kettle, I'm not sure if I should drink something that is more than 2,500 years old..." But then Elder kettle said "Oh don't worry, the drinks have been fully preserved in those vials for the past 2,500 years I promise." Cuphead and Mugman opened them up and were hit with a nasty smell, they held their breath and then they drank them, as soon as they did they instantly ran to the bathroom because they felt like they were gonna vomit, those drinks tasted awful! "Oh. My mistake." Said Elder Kettle. Shortly after, the boys came back, and Elder Kettle asked "So, how do you feel?" And Mugman said "I feel... stronger in a way. Like really strong..." Cuphead said "So do I...." Elder Kettle said "There you go, the abilities of the Calix Animi are now in you, I want you to use those abilities to protect yourselves from the Devil and his goons alright, but be careful, these powers can be very destructive when used wrong ok?" Cuphead then replied "Oh don't worry, I'm sure it will be fine." Mugman on the other hand wasn't sure about that however, for he was aware of how reckless he and Cuphead can be sometimes.
(To be continued...)

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