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Next day

Ryder:"Wake up already!"

Me:"What,damn it?"

I sketched my eyes and hug him tighter. It was so comfortable position. I lift my leg against his and buried my face between his neck. He smell so good.

Ryder:"Bitch,dont be so cute. I'm powerless when you act like that."

Me:"Five more minutes,babe."

Ryder:"It's already twelve,babe."



He hug me back and let me sleep. I was so happy.

Me:"Ar we officialy boyfriends now?"

Ryder:"Ofcourse...Do you want me to ask you?"


We both laughed at that. I pulled my face from his neck so I can look at him,but we were still in hug.

Ryder:"Andy,can you stop being my best friend,but be my boyfriend instead?"

Me:"Let me think about that."
Ryder:"Come on,there is nothing to think about anymore. Dont tease me on that way."

Me:"What would I get if I say "yes"?"

Ryder:"My presence. My support. Place to sleep next to me."

Me:"What more?"


He kissed me.

Me:"Something more?"

Ryder:"Oh,this too."

He put my hand on his ass.

Me:"I liked that one the most."

We started laughing.

Me:"What about this? I want this."

I grabbed his dick. He died from laughing when I done that.

Ryder:"Yeah,you got that too."

My:"Then yes. I will be your boyfriend."

Ryder:"What if I had small dick?"

Me:"I will still say yes."

Ryder:"Because I'm good person?"

Me:"No. Because your ass is that good to make me forget dick."

Ryder:"You perverted stick! You're skinny stick in every way!"

Me:"Fuck you. You liked it last night!"

Ryder:"It was dark."

Me:"I'm not stick!"

Ryder:"I'm joking!"

He hugged me but we were laughing so hard.

Me:"I'm hungry now. Let's eat."

Ryder:"Give me kiss first."

Me:"Come here."

I pulled him towards me and kissed him. I thought it would be short kiss,but it wasn't. I grabbed his neck and he showed his tongue inside my mouth. Ryder started taking off my shirt,so in the end we both ended up naked. Small kiss leaded to morning sex. This time,there wasn't his parents to stop us,so we didn't even try to suffocate our moans like last time.


Before the first lecture started,we decided to go out. Ryder wanted to walk with me on that promenade.
We were walking with our fingers intertwined.

My best friend (boy x boy)Where stories live. Discover now