Strike First

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I stood next to Miguel Infront of Dad who looked at us.

Miguel: So, are we gonna get the karate pajamas too?

Johnny: Quiet!

Miguel: Okay...

Johnny: The students only speak when spoken to is that understood?

Jack/Miguel: Yes, Sensei/ Yes.

We both look at Miguel and he was confused.

Miguel: Yes, "Sir"?

I moved over to him and whispered to him.

Jack: Always address him as Sensei.

Miguel: Oh!

Johnny: Now, that that's out of the way. This is called a gi and you'll get one when you've earned it, do you understand?  Are you ready to begin your training?

Jack/Miguel: Yes Sensei.

After we answered he punched Miguel in the chest and swept his leg and tried to punch me but I blocked it and push kicked him away.

Miguel: *Groan* What the hell?!

Johnny: Lesson one: always strike first. Never wait for the enemy to attack.

Miguel: *Strained* You could've given me like a warning.

Johnny: Quiet!

He got up from the ground and dad started walking around us.

Johnny: we do not train to be merciful here. Mercy is for the weak. Here on the street, in competition, a man confronts you he is the enemy. An enemy deserves no mercy. What is the problem Mr. Diaz?

I watched him move to stand in front of Miguel as he took a pull from his inhaler.

Miguel: There's no problem, Sensei. You punched me and I have asthma, so---

He didn't get to finish his sentence when dad grabbed his inhaler and threw it at the wall.

Johnny: Not anymore. We do not allow weakness in this dojo. So you can keep your asthma and your peanut allergies and all that other made-up bullshit outside. Understood?

Jack: Those are not weaknesses, they're real medica---

Johnny: Quiet!

I just sigh getting angry at him shouting the same word over and over.

Miguel: Yes, Sensei, understood...

Johnny: Cobra Kai isn't just about karate. *Points at the writing on the wall* It's about a way of life. Take that first lesson. Striking first is the initial step towards victory. Ok? Like when you're at a party and you see a hot babe. You don't wait for another guy to talk to her, do you?

Jack: Nope...

Miguel: I've never been to a party, so...

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