They'll want me to clear out now. So they can collect the bodies. Not like there's anything to stay for anyway.

(M/N) rolled the boy from District 4 onto his face, took his pack, and retrieved the arrow that ended his life. He cut Wendy's pack from her back as well, knowing she'd want him to have it, but left the spear in her stomach. Weapons in bodies were transported to the hovercraft. He had no use for a spear anyway, so the sooner it was gone from the arena, the better.

(M/N) couldn't stop looking at Wendy, smaller than ever, a baby animal curled up in a nest of netting, he couldn't bring himself to leave her like that. Beyond harm, but seeming utterly defenceless. To hate the boy from District 4 who also looked so vulnerable in death, seemed impossible. It was the Capitol (M/N) hated for doing this to all of them.

Shoto's voice filled his head. His ravings against the Capitol no longer pointless, no longer to be ignored. Wendy's death had forced (M/N) to confront the cruelty and injustice inflicted onto them.

But there, in the middle of the games, even more strongly than at home, he felt his helplessness. There was no way to take revenge on the Capitol, or was there?

(M/N) then remembered Katsuki's words on the roof. "I keep wishing I could think of a way to show the Capitol they don't own me. That I'm more than just a piece in their Games," and for the first time since they had that conversation, he understood what the blonde meant.

(M/N) wanted to do something, right there, in that moment, to shame them, to make them accountable, to show the Capitol that whatever they did or forced the Districts to do, there was a part of every tribute that they couldn't own. That Wendy was more than just a piece in their Games, and so was (M/N).

A few steps into the woods grew a bank of wildflowers. They had blossoms in beautiful shades of violet, yellow, and white. (M/N) gathered an armful and went back to Wendy's side. Slowly, one stem at a time, he decorated her body with the flowers. Covering the wound. Weaving her hair with bright colours.

They'd have to show it. Or, even if they chose to turn the cameras elsewhere at that moment, they'd have to bring them back when they collected the bodies and everyone would see her, and know (M/N) did it.

He stepped back and took one last look at Wendy. She could really be asleep in that meadow after all.

"Bye, Wendy," (M/N) whispered. He pressed the three middle fingers of his left hand against his lips and then held them out in her direction. Before walking away without looking back.

The birds fell silent, and the hovercraft soon appeared. (M/N) paused, his eyes focused on what was ahead, not what was happening behind him. It didn't take long, the general birdsong began again and he knew she was gone.

A mockingjay landed on a branch in front of (M/N) and burst out Wendy's melody. The one that meant she was safe.

"Good and safe," he said as he passed under the branch. "We don't have to worry about her now."

(M/N) had no idea where to go. The brief sense of home he had that one night with Wendy had vanished. He wandered aimlessly around the forest until sunset. He wasn't afraid. Wasn't even cautious of his surroundings. Which made him an easy target at first glance, except he'd kill anyone on sight. Not a shred of emotion or tremor in his hands. His hatred for the Capitol hadn't lessened his hatred for his competitors. Especially the Careers. They, at least, had to pay for Wendy's death.

No one showed up though. There weren't many tributes left, and it was a big arena. Soon the Gamemakers would pull out another device to force everyone together. There had been enough death that day, so (M/N) was hopeful he'd be able to get some sleep.

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