"a creature with such outstanding details. a sophisticated creature with exquisite personality, such a shame if it's stained with such a vile substance such as blood, it would ruin it's simplicity of being exquisite," [name] explained with a rather amused voice.

"though butterflies are hated by most due to their fears of butterflies, that small creature truly is my favorite creature in this world. an innocent beauty," [name] simply said and ended her line with a small smile.

shigeko blinked, her blonde strands fell delicately as she stared up at [name] with her big almond shaped emerald eyes. "what's with the big words? you sound like shakespeare!" she asked, raising a brow. "nothing, it's just how i talk," [name] grimaced as shigeko could blink. "you sure do know a big book of vocabulary," shigeko nudged [name] on her ribs. [name] shrugged. "it's barely anything," she said as shigeko hummed in amusement.

the both of them walked silently before [name] suddenly closed her [e/c] eyes and her balance disappeared into the unknown as she was about to fall onto the pathway but shigeko tugged on her arm in surprise as she held onto it tightly. shigeko's green eyes widened in surprise. what happened? why is her friend unconscious all of the sudden?

"[name]? [name]!" shigeko exclaimed in panic. "wake up! [name]--!" she said as she tried shaking her friend, but a strong force hit her neck, as shigeko's green eyes went even wider.

her body slowly fell as she brought [name] down on to the ground with her. her eyes slowly closed as she muttered for help, she could see a man and a woman picked them up as they carried them over their shoulders, shigeko weakly kicked them but soon, she entered into a void of unconsciousness, the both of them were brought into a van, carried like a sack of potatoes.

ਏਓ 。 ゚

[name] opened her sparkless [e/c] eyes. she squinted her eyes around her surroundings. a jolt of panic rose in her heart as she realized that she was not in a familiar surrounding. rather, it was somewhere where she could not recognize where she was. [name] looked around the room before her [e/c] eyes stopped at her lying best friend in front of her.

her eyes widened in shock as she screamed loudly, but it was all muffled to the tight tape around her mouth. "shigeko!" she cried but all came out incoherent. "shigeko–" and with that muffled noise, her head was kicked roughly by a boot. "shut up you noisy crap," he spat filthily onto the ground.

[name] gulped as she slowly winced in pain due to the sheer force of the simple kick. "oi, wake up already," a shrill voice bounced across the room as a woman kicked shigeko across her face. [name]'s eyes widened in anger as she squirmed in her bounded state. "let shigeko go!" her voice said incoherently. another kick landed on her face. "shut up, pipsqueak," the woman said. she had long green hair that flowed down like a waterfall, her clothing was rather very dark and edgy, and her face was decorated with a series of piercings and a small noticeable mark on her cheek that read, 'the butchers.'

[name]'s eyes traveled around the room to spot more people, a blonde man with blue eyes and eyebags, he looked straight at [name] with a bored face. another man with a long beard and tough muscles, as well as a tall figure too. his dark eyes looked furious and his face was always in a state of anger, and there were more people, they looked so..different.. but they have one thing in common: the mark on their cheeks indicating 'the butchers.'

"what you lookin' at?" the woman with lime hair asked. [name] could only let her uncontrollable [e/c] eyes to twitch violently in exasperation. 'what a childish name for a group,' [name] thought to herself as she looked away, panting a bit, her breath hitched due to panic and mild anger.

a pair of emerald colored eyes opened wide as it scattered around the room. "ah! look, the blonde doll has awoken," the man said. "what an interesting looking girl," another commented. "such beauties are perfect for melancholy," the other added with a visible drop of malice.

"boys boys, you all better shut up. i did all the stalking work for this, so i should be the one who does the honors," the woman with green hair remarked. "stalking?" shigeko muttered, though it was muffled. she knew best not to scream in such danger. though shigeko's voice came out incoherent, the gangsters heard it loud and clear. "we've been stalking you both for months," she said happily as she smiled. 'that's not something to be proud of,' [name] glared fiercely at the green haired woman.

the woman then ripped off the tape on shigeko's mouth as shigeko groaned in pain. "who are you?" shigeko asked as she panted. "fukushi," the girl simply said before she untied shigeko's ropes that bound the girl to the chair. "why did you kidnap us?" shigeko barked threateningly. "simple. to have a small show of our own!" fukushi cooed with a glint of malice. her solid black beady eyes were shining brightly in sadism. they were the definition of black death.

the gangsters started snickering loudly as they came out like small chants that belonged to a cult. "you, blondie. what i want you to do to play as the best friend here is to grab this gun and shoot it at that girl," the green haired girl pointed to the [h/c] girl. shigeko's eyes widened before she looked down.

"if you don't, we'll kill your family."
"we'll burn your house into nothing but ashes. do you really want that?"
"of course, you wouldn't want that.. right?"
"so, all you need to do is to pull the trigger, and the job is done! we'll return you back to your family."
"so. do you understand, girl?" the woman said with a smirk as [name]'s eyes widened.


BUTTERFLIES – k.tanjiro.

presented to you by yours truly , acacia agapanthus ambrose.

presented to you by yours truly , acacia agapanthus ambrose

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