Chapter 28: Don't leave me alone'Cause I won't survive it

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This chapter is dedicated to a good friend of mine who is going through a really rough time right now. I wrote this for them because I want them to know that things will be ok eventually and "the sun will shine tomorrow" 🖤

TW// Graphic mentions of blood and pregnancy complications mentions. 

Mid January.

The last few weeks have been a whirlwind. Christmas was officially over so it was back to work with Dom's schedule. It was time for us to go back to the US for promo and festivals for Weird! Dom's first stop was L.A for the Alter Ego festival so I book everyone's flights and book us back into the Beverly Hills hotel. I smile thinking about the last time me and Dom were there together, he was drunk and annoying and I was trying to not fall in love with him. I'm now 8 weeks pregnant, it's been pretty uneventful but I am starting to get a tiny bump- but it mostly just looks like I've eaten too much! Everything is still business as usual, we shop, we eat, we go out, we watch movies and we have sex. The only thing i'm missing is our dom and sub stuff but Dom literally refuses to do it while I'm pregnant.

Dom is still obsessed with the size app telling me that our baby is now the size of a raspberry! I consider downloading it myself but I find it really cute how excited he gets to tell me when there's an update so I leave it up to him. He also ordered that "what to expect when you're expecting" book and reads a chapter every night which I'm finding hilarious mostly because his facial expressions change every 5 seconds from happy to shocked to terrified and back to happy. We're sat on the couch the other night, me on my phone and him reading the book. He pauses and looks up at me "Lyss, babe you should probably read this too.....". "Hmm" I answer back absent mindedly "maybe in a month or 2" even though what I wanted to say was "absolutely fucking NOT that shit looks terrifying!!". It's not that I wasn't excited, I wanted to stay as blissfully ignorant about the birth until it was essential.

We fly out from Heathrow to L.A the next day. It was actually so nice to see everyone. I hadn't seen them since New Years so it was good to catch up in the airport ! We get on the plane and I use the time to do some more of my scheduling. I'm typing away at my laptop and I feel Doms hand sneak under my arm and make its way to my stomach. I smile looking down at his silver skull rings and black heart. I look up expecting him to be looking at me but instead his head is buried in that bloody book and he's smiling. I raise my eyebrows and go back to my screen... I don't wanna know.....

A while later he clearly gets to a clearly gory part as I hear him mutter "jesus...." and he brings his hand to the back of my head and rubs it. He puts the book down and presses the call bell. "You want anything honey?" he asks. "Naah im good Domino thanks" I say not looking up from my screen. The steward comes and he orders a whiskey on the rocks. This piques my curiosity and I make the mistake of glancing at the page of the book he's on which is now open face up on the tray table. The page shows a detailed diagram of what an episiotomy would look like - JESUS CHRIST now I wish I could have a fucking drink. Dom downs the whiskey in one, takes a deep breath and goes back to the book and I go back to my schedule trying to forget about that image that's now burned into my brain.

We arrive in L.A. at around 10pm. The lads want to go to the Rainbow but I'm tired and I don't feel so good. I had started to get period- like cramps in my lower stomach. I panic for a moment but google it when we get up to the room and apparently it's normal, something to do with hormones. I try to hide it from Dom so he doesnt get unnecessarily worried and I also want him to go out with the lads and have fun. I'm crouched over unzipping my case when a bad cramp catches me off guard. I stop, putting my hands on the floor. Dom looks over at me "Lyss, what's up sweetheart? You in pain???" I see his creepers appear in front of me and he puts his hands in my hair, massaging my head waiting for the cramp to subside.

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