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We run to the buildings lining the square when I see a small group of Ultrons heading for the carrier. "Hill!" I yell into comms.

"On it!" she yells before her line goes silent. I see another metal suit join them.

"Looks like Rhodey is going to have a better story to tell." I say to Steve.

"Looks like it. You ready?"

I nod. "Let's move out. Stick together and move quickly!" I yell to the citizens as we run from the building.

"I got about 50 to 100 more coming in after this group." Steve tells the SHIELD agents at the boats. The crowd floods the square as they run for the lifeboats. More Ultrons join the fight in the air and I can see Dad and Rhodey struggle to keep a lid on things.

"Be safe!" I yell to Steve before flying up and distracting some of the bots in order to allow the others time to get the people out of here.

"Thor, I got a plan!" I hear Dad yell.

"We're out of time. They're coming for the core." Thor says. Shit!

"Rhodey, get the rest of the people on board that carrier."

"On it!"

"Avengers, time to work for a living." Dad says before I watch him take off towards the church, me hot on his heels.

We land in the church next to Thor and Vision and Pietro soon joins us. Steve rolls in, knocking an Ultron around with his shield before seeing me and running over. I clock the bruise forming on his forehead. "Are you alright?"

"I'll be better once this is over."

"What's the drill?" Natasha asks when she arrives, after bulldozing her way through the oncoming assault of robots.

"This is the drill. If Ultron gets a hand on the core, we lose." Dad explains pointing to the metal... thing, in the middle.

We watch as Ultron flies down in front of us. I'm pissed, my powers pulsing, dancing around my fingers. "Is that the best you can do?" Thor yells. The rest of us watch in horror as more robots fill the streets and we're clearly outnumbered. I roll my eyes before turning to him.

"You had to ask." Steve says, looking at him unimpressed.

"This is the best I can do. This is exactly what I wanted. All of you against all of me. How can you possibly hope to stop me?" Ultron asks, cockily. I was really getting sick of seeing my father's attributes in this fucker.

"Well, like the old man said... Together." Dad tells him. Hulk roars and the robots charge.

"Let the games begin." I say to myself before my hands glow with the power given to me by Vision's stone. I twist my hands in an intricate pattern and smile as I watch the robots surrounded by the pink power rip themselves apart.

At some point, Vision blasts Ultron out of the building where Dad and Thor join him, trying to fry him out. I run out, checking on Dad. "You know, with the benefit of hindsight..." Ultron goes to say before Hulk punches him out, knocking him clear across the city. The others take one look at the big guy before flying off.

"They're trying to leave the city." Thor notes.

"We can't let them, not even one. Rhodey." Dad says.

"I'm on it."

"We gotta move out." Steve says. "Even I can tell the air is getting thin. You guys get to the boats. I'll sweep for stragglers. Be right behind you."

"Steve..." I say, worriedly. He looks at me and nods. I know I can't stop him. "Be careful."

"What about the core?" Clint asks, pulling our attention away from each other.

"I'll protect it. It's my job." Wanda says.

"Nat, Myra. This way." Clint says and I spare one final look at Steve before we run off in opposite directions. We hotwire a car to drive back to the lifeboats. I hop in the backseat.

"I know what I need to do. The dining room. If I knock out that east wall, it'd make a nice workplace for Laura, huh? Put up some baffling. She can't hear the kids running around. What do you think?"

"I think Nat owes me $20. I told her there was no way in hell you would stop with the home improvements."

Nat flips me off before turning back to Clint. "You guys always eat in the kitchen anyway."

"No one eats in a dining room." Clint says before pulling up beside a lifeboat. "We don't have a lot of time."

"So get your asses on a boat." Nat adds. I run from the car, looking around for Steve.

"Thor, I'm going to need you back at the church." Dad says through comms.

"Is this the last of them?" Thor asks as I run up to him. I breathe out a sigh of relief when I see Steve run up to him too.

"Yeah. Everyone else in on the carrier." Steve says.

"You know, this works, we maybe don't walk away."

"Maybe not." Thor agrees.

"You two better try your hardest to come back. You hear me?" I add that last part for Dad since he was notorious for not taking his own life seriously. We were about to head our separate ways when the square is filled with gunfire again. Steve pulls me to him and shields my body with his. The bullets stop and we stand up, looking around. Clint is behind a car, shielding a little boy's body with his. Pietro is swaying slightly and my hand covers my mouth when I see that his body is riddled with bullet holes.

"You didn't see that coming?" he asks Clint before falling to the ground, dead. 

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