1 ; Citadel secrets

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   ~The citadel~
(News reporter)
"At 1:39pm today, a rogue Morty had assassinated the president. After 2 hours of searching for the boy, he was found and is now held captive in the citadel's most secure prison..."

"Only the Mortyest Morty would commit this type of act successfully..."


—--Two years later—-

It had been two years since I had assassinated the Morty president without Rick knowing. I left the house one morning using Rick's portal gun and weapons tucked onto the belt of my pants.
It was an easy job I would say but never went the way I had planned.

The prison is cold and dirty, full of both Ricks and Mortys. All probably here for the same reason I am.

****** TRIGGER WARNING S/A ******

I sat on the end of my bed rapped in a thin sheet of linen. My body shivered from head to toe no matter how hard I tried to warm myself up.

My cell is quite empty with just a toilet, a sink, bed and small mirror on the wall. Also a dim neon light on the ceiling which did not illuminate any part of the room which meant it was a challenge to navigate my way around. Every now and then it would flicker, startling me.
The door to my cell was thick metal with only a small window accompanying it allowing guards to look in while shining torches.

Everyday I wondered where Rick was, or if he knew I was here. I was always told he had been killed, by the guards that would slide a tray of crappy food through a flap on the door, but I won't believe Rick is dead until I get proof.

Suddenly, I jumped to a sharp knock on the door, following a click of its locks. I hadn't left the cell before through the whole 2 years I had been here. My heart racing in my chest with fear and excitement. 

"C-137 stand up with hands out in front of you." Says a guard entering the room with cuffs that were connected to a thick metal chain. Without refusing, I did what he said and allowed him to cuff me. We left my cell and walked down the long hall, it seemed to go on for ages, many identical doors one after another and many faces peering through the square windows glaring as we strode past. My legs wobbled violently each step I took and my head pounded, "My legs hurt, can I sit down?" I slurred, only to get tugged tight and to be told no, so I huffed and carried on walking.

Soon we arrived at a large white door which led into a room with a black table and two chairs either side. It was blindingly bright which caused me to squint.

"Sit C-137" Said the guard as he locked the chain to the table.

On one side of the room was a one way window that looked into the room. I could tell that because there was a slight rectangular indentation on the wall. I was in some sort of interrogation room of some sort.

I was startled by a loud click of the overhead lights turning off. What was left was single light glaring down onto the table, shining on my face and the seat ahead of me.

The door of the room opened and a short figure entered alone.
"Wh-who are you?" I had asked attempting to try and back my body away from the figure as they began to step towards me.
The light just about highlighted their thin legs and small boney hands.
"Not so smart after all C-137," A Morty's voice sniggered menacingly. He was wearing a black suit with a gold 'R' pinned to his blazer.

The president.

"I-I thought I killed you? I w-watched you bleed to death? How the fuck are you still alive?" So many questions began flooding through my mind, there's no way that he lived at all. I tugged hard on the chain with the cuffs, until eventually getting zapped back into my chair.
"It's been two fucking years and now you decide to show up!" I cussed and spat in his face. The president was now bent over me, smirking. Another shock was sent through my body causing me to almost fall off my chair.
"If you had killed me C-137 I obviously wouldn't be here; you shot one of my clones, I knew that you were coming for me even before you got here, I faked my death so that I can spend the past two years looking for your Rick. Searching the whole universe for the man but he was completely untraceable until only 2 days ago, his location was tracked from an unknown dimension, allowing us to follow his every move." The President said, cupping my chin with his hand forcing me to look at him right in his eyes and is face was way too close to mine, our noses practically touching.

Knowing that Rick was still alive made me relax inside a little, with hope that he's currently safe. "He's- He's still alive??"

My body shuddered as the President ran his fingers through my hair, still cupping my chin. The smell of his cologne quickly suffocating me.

"Not for much longer." He whispered into my ear gently, "He's replaced you. He no longer needs you. He loves his new grandson very much; you're useless to him now."

My heart sank deep in my chest, a lump forming in my throat. "Rick would never do that! There's no way!" I yelled, tears beginning to fall.

"Ricks don't care about Mortys. He didn't care about you, that's why he hasn't come to find you," The president laughed, now standing up and clicking his fingers to allow a Rick to enter dressed in a tight black shirt and grey joggers.
"Not true!" I screamed as he headed towards the door as I tried to lunge toward him, getting zapped and falling backwards onto the floor.

"We'll see about that..."


Me and the Rick were now both alone. He sat across from me glaring at me with blank eyes, a slight grimace on his lips.
"What do you want?" I deadpanned.
The Rick lowered his head a little still glaring upwards at me, a real evil Rick.

"In one of my pockets C-137, I have a gun. You step out of line and that white wall behind you will be painted in red. You wanna live and get out of here, you do what I want you to do. You wanna die? I'll just kill you. Do you understand?" He said with a low growl and I replied with a quick nod. Only the top of his face was clearly visible under the overhead light, on his forehead was a tattoo of a tiger holding a large sword in his mouth with writing saying 'Predator'

"You must listen to what I say and do what I say. It's just me and you C-137. Just me and you." The Rick stood and walked over to me, towering over my frail body. I stood up from my seat waiting for him to tell me what to do, while my body quivered and fists balled within my cuffs. He grabbed my wrists and unlocked them, holding me firmly but his eyes still stayed fixated to mine. He was a man of steel, although his rough glare of his ocean blue eyes highlighted from the single light, was warm and seductive.

From holding my wrists, I watch as his hands traveled to the bottom of my shirt, pulling it slowly upwards and removing it from my body. My skin was the same pale colour as his, I had also lost so much weight my ribs had now began to poke through my torso rising and falling with my heavy breathing.
"Shhhh- Shhhh-" The Rick whispered noticing me breathing heavily in fear.

He slowly knelt down in front of me so that we were face to face. His eyes were even more beautiful the closer they are and hair spiky, apart from the tattoos and clothing style he was identical to my Rick. But he wasn't.

His hands traveled up and down my upper body while his lips were set on mine melting into me aggressively sometimes kissing my neck. I cried without making any noise, hugging my bare chest wishing for this to all go away. He would whisper frequent insults such as "scared little pussy" or "failure"

This was so wrong...

The Citadel's biggest secret. Breaking the most important rule of having a Rick/Morty- No romance and sexual activity between a pair. Consequence [Death]

"Chest to the table kid!" The Rick commanded, pulling me down and laying me the way he wanted me where I was practically bent over at the table and removed his shirt and setting himself between my legs kissing me again. I felt scared, I didn't want this. His warm body forcing itself against mine and his bony hands gripping my waist.

Eventually, everything went fuzzy. My body relaxed itself and I gave in. I hurt a lot. My naked body exposed to the freezing metal table. My breathing short and fast. He thrusted into me with force making me whine and sob quietly.

"Good boy C-137..." The Rick moaned, forcing himself more hard into my fragile body again and again. Blood now pooling around my legs.

Then everything went black.

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