Part 8 Unwanted Situations

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I find myself inside a container of a black cargo truck, cold, hands bound with iron cuffs and somewhat tired after some walking through the cold forest. Still not sure what would happen to my vehicle, but at this point, It doesn't really matter. What really matters is that we're being kidnapped if that's the right word for it.

"They seem friendly" I jest, trying to cope over the fact we nearly just got killed by some crazy woman

"Not now, idiot" Avelyne, sitting just across me in this cramped space replies. 

I chuckle at her comment. 

"Idiot... Now that's rude" I reply with a sarcastic tone before she kicks me right in the thigh

I could see her reaction through the darkness of the cargo container. It was just us, and it was even colder in the inside than the outside.

Her eyes were wide, fixed on me, before looking back to the empty cargo space. 

"We're probably gonna die you know..." She exclaims "So why are you still joking around like that"

"That's exactly the point!" I reply with a raised voice "We're gonna die anyway so why not!" I let out an exaggerated laugh

"However the hell did you become the detective..." She mutters to herself, yet still audible in this cramped space we're in

Well, not cramp as if we were literally right on top of one another but cramped enough for us to hear each other's whispers. It was weird being inside a room with a woman like her, alone. Can't get the lewd thoughts out of my head if I wanted to.

"Oh come on, you can't say I'm not doing great at my job now, can you?" I jest

She stretches her leg, kicking hard on my shin "Shut up idiot" she says

I flinch a bit at the sudden feeling of her heel on my shin "Whatever you say" I reply

Silence again fills the container we're in. There's nothing here but us and the cold. I could feel the air flowing through my spine, and our breaths, visible despite the absence of a light source.

Yet despite our lack of intelligence regarding where we are, I could tell we just went below ground. The air felt different, and the sound outside seemed to bounce right back at us. The vehicle was moving at a steady speed, so I could deduce that we're probably in a convoy.

Eventually, we came to a stop. I could here the muffled footsteps outside, as well as several men stepping out of their vehicles, doors shutting and some commands being barked from officers.

"Guess we're here" I say "Seems like these guys are pretty well organized. Wonder who they are..." 

"Best you keep your mouth shut if you want to live" Avelyne replies "But it's best you believe that at this point, we're already dead"

"Jeez why the pessimism" I exclaim

The cargo door swings outwards. The dim light from the exterior shines on us. The silhouette of a soldier blocks the dim light, signaling for us to step out

"Step out of the vehicle" he commands

I cooperate, along with Avelyne who jumps out after me.

Taking a good look around me, it seems we were inside a cave of sorts, stepping on concrete road, with rough, rocky walls surrounding us. 

"Where are we..." I mutter to which no response was given

The soldier pushes me from the back with his Rifle's buttstock, making me take a step forward

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