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"Now come on we've got a suprise for you"
Nick said excitingly while grabbing my hand
As we're walking back to Chris's room we hear from the kitchen"suprise, we're going to bake cookies to cheer you up" Matt said as with a huge smile
I look to Chris to has the most biggest smile on his "but we're going to do it blindfolded, well you and Matt are"
"What of my gosh this is going to get messy,So who's on who's team"
"Me and Matt and you and Chris" nick reply's with a little smirk on his face

"Ow nick your getting it in my hair" I pull away from nick as he is hurting me
"Move nick let me do it"
Chris comes over and ties the bandana on my head softly trying not to hurt me
"A lot thank you Chris"

Chris POV
"Better?" I ask her
"A lot thank you Chris"
I've always loved the way her voice sound and when she says my name I just melt, I stand there admiring all her features
"Mmhm" nick clears his throat and looks at me in a suspicious way

"Ok hazel this is where you need to be careful ok, you need to crack two eggs"
She successfully cracks the eggs and puts in all the other ingredients
I look over to Matt and see that he has made a massive mess
"Ok now you need to spray the tray and go up and down until I tell you to stop"
She tries spraying the tray and sprays her whole face with the oil spray
"Ohhhh my gosh it's all in my face ewwww"
I grab her hand and walk her to the sink

Hazels POV
Chris grabs my hand and walks me to the sink and starts to wipe my face gently
I can feel the tension between us and he stops for a while and I can tell that he's staring at me
"Is that all of it Chris" I break the silence
"Uhh yea your all cleaned up"

The cookies have finished baking and we're doing a taste test
"Mmm these are really good guys but I think hazel is the winner" nick said as he put more cookies in his mouth
"Yep I agree"
"Me too" the other two agree
"Thanks guys this did make me feel better"
"Your welcome it was all Chris's idea" Matt nudges me slightly with a little smirk on his face
"Why thank you Christopher" I bow down as if he is the king
"Guys everyone in the comments is saying they love hazel and should include her more" nick says as he scrolls on his phone
"Why I guess you be showing up more haze" Chris looks at me with a smile

"I guess I am, I'm going to wash my hand and fix my hair, I'll be right back"

Chris's POV
Hazel leaves for the bathroom and as soon and she's out of the room nick and Matt come up to me
"Do you like hazel"
"Nick what the hell are you talking about no"
"Come on Chris we see how you look at her and when ever your talking to her how much you get nervous" Matt stated
"Ok the thruth is I've like her since day one but I don't know if she likes me back and I don't want To ruin our friendship if she doesn't like me back" I scratch the back of my head
"Chris I think you should just go for it"
"Really you think so guys"
"We really do"

"I wonder what's taking her so long she's said she's just washing her hands, I'm gonna go check" I get up from my chair and walk to the bathroom

Hazel POV
I walk into the bathroom and wash my hands then start fixing up my hair and get a text from an unknown number
"Damn you ate so much during that video, probably got more after 🤢 so glad I broke up with you"
I start crying and slide down the the door, I bury my head into my knees and start crying
Someone knocks on the door
"Go away" I mumble
"Haze can I come in please"
"No I don't want to see anyone go away"
Chris opens the door and sits down beside me
"Hey what's wrong, you ok"
I move my head a little signalling to my phone
"Is this mike?"
I nod slightly
"Fucken hell what is wrong with him, hey don't worry ok he is a horrible person who just took you for advantage" he come in and hugs me
"Can I stay the night please I don't need Hayley to see me like this she knows whenever I'm upset"
"Yes ofcourse I'll text your mum"
"Thank you Chris, I love you"
"Ok your mums fine with it, now do you want to back to nick and Matt we were thinking of playing headbandz on twitch"
"Yea it'll take my mind of mike"

We walk into Chris's room and Matt and nick have set up everything for the stream

"Matt your a fucken unicorn you dumb fuck"
"What oh my gosh"
We play for a little while until it gets pretty late and decide to end the stream

" hey Chris I'm really cold can I borrow some of your clothes" I was in some Nike shorts and a t shirt
"Yea sure"
I get a lyrical lemonade jumper and a pair of his grey sweats
I sit on the edge of the bed putting my hair into a messy bun as Chris fixing up the pillows

Chris POV
As she just sits there putting her hair into a messy bun and I can't keep it in anymore I have all of these feelings inside of me and can't control them I need to tell her how I feel
"Hey haze"
"Yea" she turns to me and her eyes glow as the whole room was dark except for the moon light shining on her face
"I need to confess something"
"Uhh sure go ahead"
"Ever since the day I met you at school I couldn't stop thinking about you, your amazing, intriguing, beautiful eyes, the way your hairs falls perfectly with you trying, your so beautiful and i tell you everyday, when I see your face, there's not a thing I would change. I love your laugh, humour, generosity, the way you care for others, your style. On a scale from 1-10 your a 12 your so amazing and perfect I don't know what I would do without you hazel  I have all these feeling inside me and I can control them anymore I needed to tell you. And if you don't feel the same way that's ok I don't want it to ruin our friendship and I hope we can still be friends but oh my gosh hazel I like  you so much" I take a sigh trying to catch my breath

Hazel POV
As those last words come out of his mouth "oh my gosh hazel I like you so much" I can't believe it after all this time he liked me too "hazel?"
"You haven't said anything in about 45 seconds"
"Oh I was just taking it all in sorry"
"Gosh I knew I shouldn't of told you oh my god I'm so stupid"
"Hey Chris your not stupid ok" I grab his hand and intertwine our fingers "I-I like you too chris"
"What, really?"
I nod while smiling
"Oooh yay" he says as he jumps up and down a little. After he settles down he takes a sigh "hazel Louise Jeffords will you do the honour of being my girlfriend"
"Yes of course I will Christopher Owen sturniolo" I give him a kiss and he cups my face then pulls me away "I've been wanting to do that for ages"
"Me too"
I give him another kiss
"Ok so what's this gonna be, do we tell Matt and nick, what about my mum, do we go public to your fans or wait a while because to be honest I think we shouldn't wait for Matt, Nick or my mum but I think we should wait till we tell your fans"
"I complete agree" he gives me another  little peck on the lips
"But we can tell them tomorrow, I'm really tired can we go to bed please"
"Yes ok" I climb into bed and lay my head onto Chris's chest he gives me a kiss on the head
"Goodnight beautiful"
I look up to him
"Goodnight Handsome"

1392 words

                          ~to be continued~

Love a first sight - Chris sturniolo ❤️Where stories live. Discover now