A Star Shaped Heart 🌟

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(Can you tell I couldn't think of a title LOL)

I thought today was going to be like any other school day, do school work, eat lunch then go home.

Oh how I was wrong.

I walk up to the roof top, and look around to see if I can find Rui before spotting him on a bench.

"Hey Rui!"

I walk up and sit down next to him.

"Hey Tsukasa-Kun! So I was thinking and-"

"I don't like where this is going."

"Tsukasa-Kun! How dare you doubt me!"

"Oh uh huh." I start eating my lunch.

"What are you eating?"


"Wait did you make them yourself?, They look really good."

He leans in closer, moving his hands to my food.

I slap his hand away.

"You're not having any!"

"Awww Tsukasa-Kun~" He pouts at me.

God I hate when he does that.

"Fine! Only one though.."

"Thhaaannkk yooou~"

And with that he quickly snatches some of my food out of my bento.

"Anyway what was you're idea?"

"Oh! Right sooo, I was wondering if you would help me with something."

"Depends what the "something" Is."

"Aww I want it to be a surprise."

"I don't trust that." I give him a flat expression whilst finishing off my food.

"Aww come on Tsukasa-Kun~..Are you done with your food?"

"Huh yeah, why?"

He grabs my arm pulling me up.

"H-Hey! Wait! Let me pack my things up first!"

"Hurry up, lunch doesn't have long left."

"Hmph fine." I pack up my bento box rather slowly just to spite him.

He shoots me a glare, snatching the rest of my things packing up for me.

"There. Now let's go."

We start walking back down from the rooftop Rui almost jumping down the stairs.

We reach and empty classroom and Rui places his bag on a desk.

"Rui..What are you doing?"

He pulls out a black ball looking thing from his bag...What, what is that?..

"I made something last night I wanted to try out today!" His face contorts into a mischievous grin.

"R-Rui what is that??!"

"It's a bomb." He states rather matter of factly.

A...What? I could feel as my brain stopped working for a second.


"A BOMB?!!!??"

"Shh! Tsukasa calm down! It's not like it's deadly or anything, and the explosion will be small."


"I'd thought I'd be fun!"

"Of course you did.." I put my hand on my head rubbing my temple.

Ruikasa OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now