Lesbians in Love (thieves au)

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"I kissed the hitter from the other team.  On the job with the other set of thieves."  Aiden's body was half turned towards Sparrow on the couch.  Just the two of them for now, the others taking their turns either showering or napping after the job.
"The lady from Israel?"
"Yeah, her."
"You've kissed lots of ladies.  Why tell me about her?"
"Didn't know if you knew.  And by that time, I already wanted to kiss you instead," she said lowly, turning her head.
***"I did know," Sparrow said, Aiden's head snapping back to her.  "Heard it on the comms.  Got real mad about it.  I think I was jealous."  She laughed.  Aiden's face heated.  "I didn't know I wanted to kiss you then.  I do now though."
"Yeah?"  Aiden shuffled, turning towards her. ***
Sparrow just hummed, not moving forward.  "Why'd you kiss her then?  If you liked me?"
Aiden took the hint and stilled for a moment.  "I don't know.  I didn't think I had a shot with you.  She was hot.  We were fighting, there's a lot of adrenaline and all that.  A little bit of head trauma, probably.  She took off her over shirt and I took off my jacket."
Sparrow laughed, a light, airy sound.  "Do you fight all the girls you kiss?"
"It's a very intimate situation, I'll have you know!  And then she was handcuffed to me, what else was I supposed to do?"  Sparrow was tilting her head back in her mirth now, smiling wide.  Aiden smiled back when she glanced at her again. 
"When the job was over, I felt so guilty about it.  I was so gone on you already it felt like I was cheating somehow.  But then all I could think about was how I'd never even seen your arms like hers, how I had no real claim to you.  I was trying to convince myself to not feel so bad about one pretty good kiss but I ended up just wondering what your arms look like."  She laughed to herself, a sharp breath more than any real joy. 
Sparrow had turned towards her more fully, perched on the edge of the couch, staring.  "That's kinda sweet, A."
"It's sad, is what it is."
"A little, but mostly sweet."
Aiden snorted.  "Don't kick a girl when she's down, Birdie.  Now I'm not gonna kiss you, since you've mortally wounded my feelings."
"I'll make it up to you," Sparrow said, standing and reaching for the hem of the sweatshirt she had pulled on after the job.
"Woah!  I don't think we're there yet in whatever this is-"
"No, not that!  I'm gonna show you my arms!" 
Aiden accepted the shirt when it was handed to her, folding it over the back of the couch.  Next was the corset like climbing harness, then the long sleeve black shirt under, which received the same gentle treatment.  Sparrow was left in a black tank top and the wraps around her wrists and hands.
Aiden realized she had been staring too long when Sparrow asked, "Everything you dreamed of?"
"Yeah," she breathed.  She was.  Skinny, as she knew she would be, but with muscles that made sense once you learned what she did for a living.  Slightly less color in her arms than her face, probably since she never uncovered them.  Slightly more shocking was the scars- the ones on her wrists were hidden now, and the big one over the right forearm she had also seen, but the burns under her collarbones were new.  They were mostly hidden by her tank top straps anyway, so Aiden decided that now was not the time to ask.
Another strange moment of silence settled before Aiden got up from the couch and took off her jacket, then her t-shirt, revealing a similar tank top.  The anxiety seemed to ease slightly in Sparrow, so she spun and flexed to show off the muscles in her back.  Sparrow was smiling when she turned back, and proceeded to spin as well.
"I've seen you without a shirt before, you know."
"I know, but it's not right to try to get with a girl when she's in a different state of dress than you."
Sparrow smiled and raised her fists into a defensive position.
"Are you trying to fist fight me?  I thought it was going well!"  Aiden was momentarily panicked, but the smile on Sparrow's face was genuine.
"It's like a date!  I've heard fist fighting can be a very intimate situation, especially when one is wearing less clothes that usual."
Aiden laughed, and raised her own fists, crouching somewhat to be more at height with Sparrow.  She took a slow swing, which Sparrow spun out of the way of.  In return, she got two taps to the side, to which she staggered back, clutching her ribs as if they were broken.  She let Sparrow get a few more in, playing up a reaction to what was really no more than a brush of knuckles, before she tapped the side of Sparrow's face with the back of her hand.  Sparrow pretended to stagger backwards into the armchair at the blow, but started kicking at her from the seat.  Aiden caught her ankles and pulled her into the air, winning a startled shriek and then ringing laughter as she bounced her lightly. 
Sparrow, being who she was, bent until she could grab onto Aiden's shoulder with one hand and "hit" her with the other, swinging herself gracefully back to standing when Aiden let her go.  They continued like that for a bit longer, with fake punches and reactions, laughing all the way.  Without the sheer strength that made up most of Aiden's skill, and accounting for Sparrow being so short that most of her advantage in range went to vertical space, Sparrow's speed proved a challenge to counter.  It was genuinely fun.
Sparrow hooked her ankle, and Aiden fell hard in her shock, but managed to pull Sparrow down to land on top of her.  They rolled around for nearly a minute longer, exchanging fake punches still, until Sparrow went still under Aiden.  Both her wrists were trapped, most of Aiden's bulk pinning her, but it wasn't really a challenge.
"Come on, you could get out of this," she said, slightly out of breath.
"Maybe I don't want to," Sparrow replied, sparks in her eyes as she moved her hips ever so slightly.
Aiden's mind went several places at once.  Sparrow blinked up at her with a grin as she gathered her thoughts.
"Can I kiss you?"
"I'd like that."
Aiden shifted to the side, letting go of her wrists and using one hand instead to cradle Sparrow's face and the other to hold her weight.  Their lips met softly.  Sparrow shifted for a better angle, one hand moving to the back of Aiden's neck.  Aiden thought this might be the best thing she had ever had.  Sparrow was much in agreement. 
Aiden shifted her hand to her shoulder.  This is real.  This is Sparrow.  Don't screw this up.  It was still slow, still sweet, but she parted her lips and Sparrow did the same.
Sparrow turned slightly to pant a bit, and Aiden rested her head against her cheek.  "I get my arms are a bit of a thing to you but you can-" Sparrow gave up on the sentence, instead taking Aiden's wrist and moving her hand further down to her waist.  As they kissed again, she squeezed a bit to feel the muscles work as Sparrow arched into her.  Sparrow's hands were now exploring her back and curling in her hair, scraping over her scalp.  Aiden wondered if she knew just how good it felt.
They stayed like that for a bit-sometimes kissing, sometimes letting their hands learn new things as they realized that this was a whole different way to know a person and their body, unlike anything they had done before. 
"Can we just do this for now?"  Sparrow sounded almost worried about it."
"We can do this forever, if you want," Aiden smiled as she pulled away slightly.
"I just don't want you to-"
"Hey," she interrupted softly, "I'm not gonna get bored, or whatever you're worried about.  You're amazing, and I know you need time.  I've been around long enough, you can't scare me off now."
Sparrow exhaled slowly.  "But if something does happen, we can talk about it?"
"Always."  Aiden sat up, then made to stand.  "I'm gonna order food, the others should be down soon.  Pizza?"
Sparrow nodded and stood with her, followed her over to the kitchen counter for the stack of restaurant ads that contained the number for a local place. 
"Medium cheese for you?"
"You know me so well," Sparrow replied.  She couldn't eat the whole thing in one sitting unless she hadn't eaten in a while, but the whole team had been trying through various methods to smooth out her eating schedule.  Still, she refused to eat the strange combinations that the rest of them asked for, so she could keep the leftovers without fear of people who liked fish and fruits on their pizzas.
Aiden ordered a BBQ chicken pizza for herself, as well as the preferred orders of the rest of the crew.  As she was on the phone, she switched hands so that she could slide a hand around Sparrow's waist and pull her closer to her side.  She looked up from where she was apparently sorting the collection of menus and coupons by color to flash a smile.
The others arrived, voted Virgil the one to get the pizza and tip the delivery driver handsomely, and sat down to eat together.  Sparrow wound her foot around Aiden's from her place at her side, and Aiden smiled so wide she felt like a child again.  Sparrow's smirk was smaller but no less noticeable.  Sera teased them mercilessly, and Aiden knew that there was no one she'd rather be mocked by her best friends for.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2022 ⏰

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