Part 13

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Cale had to admit that he'd had better days.

He'd had worse days, that was for sure, but he'd definitely had better days.

There wasn't any time for them to lament whether it had been foolish of them to follow the suspicious bastard to the secluded park and there definitely wasn't time to make even one mistake.

Currently, their biggest mistake had been to have been born and the universe was still quite obsessed with correcting that particular error on such a scale that it was actually quite incredible.

Most breaks in the rift were small scale. Even when something dangerous slipped on through, a monster or a other ferocious creature, it was usually on such a small scale that anyone with the right tools and preparation could probably handle it with minimal destruction.

Yes, there were still plenty of deaths and destroyed homes, but there wasn't a lot of the right tools and preparation going around. Most citizens simply weren't equipped to handle a literal monster even if they did have weapons available.

Cale supposed that it was the same in his original world. Anyone could theoretically handle a dangerous goblin if there was only one and they had been properly prepared but there were still plenty of people who died unable to defend themselves.

Cale would have welcomed goblins though. He would have welcomed them with open arms. Even after his previous experience. He would have kissed a damn goblin on the cheek.

Why did it have to be wyverns?

The first time that there was a large scale rift and a significant number of monsters crawled their way through and they were wyverns.

Of all the abominable creatures across both continents–

Roksu gripped his shaking hand and Cale regained his composure.

So they were wyverns. So what. Cale had dealt with far worse in his extended lifetime and, unlike goblins, Cale had spent a lot of his adult life learning every single good way there was to slaughter wyverns.

He might have what some people would consider a small 'grudge'.

For now though, Cale huddled with Roksu in the temporary safety of the tree they'd climbed. One look at how the mysterious teen held his own against the wyverns let Cale know that the bastard could have killed them at any time. So quickly that even if he'd done it in a crowd no one would have noticed.

Knowing that the man could have killed them but chose not to still didn't endear the creepy bastard to Cale though. There were plenty of people who could kill him but chose not to, that didn't make any of them good people that he should trust. The bar was in fact so very low that having difficulty clearing it actually made the teen look worse in Cale's eyes.

He wasn't fixating on that bastard now though.

Despite the airborne status of the wyverns, the tree actually did offer them temporary safety. Wyverns were used to searching for prey scurrying on the ground below them while they chased them down with razor sharp claws.

Tiny things that hung out in trees were more likely to be dismissed as birds in the eyes of a wyvern. The difference between the size of a bird and a human in comparison to a wyvern really just made it seem like they were comparing spiders and ants and thus, wasn't a factor for them.

Wyvern's hardly preyed on birds. They just weren't worth the effort. Not enough meat, a lot of flying, all that squawking and the feathers–it was simply far too much effort to bother with. Especially when it was so much easier to swoop downwards and clasp an unsuspecting land-creature within its talons.

everyone around him diesUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum