Chapter 11 - Further In Debt

Start from the beginning

Colt was a couple seconds away from correcting the girl when he realized that she'd just given him the perfect cover story. Being an Authority officer would explain the sword, where he was going, and why he couldn't stop to pay her for the necklace. Perfect.

"A petty officer, actually," Colt said, plastering on a smile, "but yeah."

"Oh, petty officer. That explains the wonky-looking sword, and the lack of a uniform."

"It does, doesn't it?" Colt agreed, before starting to slowly pass by her. "It does come handy in a battle, though. Many of which I've been in. As part of the Authority. We do those things." Colt cleared his throat. "Anyway, I have business to attend to. You understand. I'm very busy, as the authoritarian officer... that I am."

"Hang on a second," the girl said, rotating herself so she continue to face him. "You still owe me for the necklace, officer."

Colt let out a silent groan. This girl was relentless. "Yes, well, there's no way I can really pay you, so... I'll just collect my fish and be off."

The girl sighed before reaching down and grabbing the fish she had slung aside. She tossed it idly in the barrel before leaning toward another. "Then let's get to it."

Colt narrowed his eyes. "You're going to help me? Why?"

"I want to get my money as soon as possible," the girl said, picking up another couple of fish.

Colt stared at her. "You're not coming with me."

"Oh, it's no trouble at all," she said, as if she thought Colt's only concern was for her personal comfort. "I have business up there anyway, I've just never been able to go. But now I have a highly trained military person to lead me!"

"Even if you could come, or wanted to for some reason, that's just not possible. My...ah...supervisor strictly forbade my bringing anyone along."


The girl stopped picking up fish and straightened up. Then she looked around for a few seconds, as if trying to locate someone.

"Funny," she said. "I don't see any supervisors."

Then she went back to collecting his fish.

Colt groaned again, this time not bothering to keep it inside his head. "You're not coming," he said again. "I am sorry about your necklace. But I've got places to be."

The girl looked over at him. "Here's the thing. You owe me. Now, I could make a big fit of you running into me and breaking my necklace, which is a highly believable story considering we both are still covered in fish slime."

Colt looked down and realized for the first time that some of the slime had gotten on him too. Not as much as was on the girl, of course, but enough to be noticeable.

"Or..." she continued, "you could take me along with you. You get to arrive to the Authority base on time and without any detours, and I call it even. It's a win-win. So how about it?"

Colt looked around at the rest of the town, as if there would be a better solution somewhere out there. Then he looked back at the girl, and as much as it pained him to do it, he admitted to himself that she might be right. It was easier to just take her along.


The girl nodded smugly in response. "You see, it's perfect. I get to where I want to go, and I can help you navigate with the barrel so you don't just slam into some innocent person again."

Colt joined in the gathering of fish. "Right, some innocent person," he muttered. "So that's what you are."

He saw the girl smile for the first time. "My name's Shelly. What's yours?"

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