dear, ksm.

48 2 0

letter one: seungmin

hey seung!
i know this is a bit unexpected, especially getting a letter from me at random
but i guess that doesn't really matter.
the reason why you're the first one i write to is because you were one of my first friends.
i remember the first day we talked.
we were in second grade and you had just cut off this girl's hair because she was being mean to me.
i thought you were the coolest person ever.
and i still do.
even when you act like you don't care, i know you do.
just through your actions, you always showed me that you cared.
thank you, seung.
you were there for me whenever there was a problem i faced.
you made me believe that i can get through it.
and i did.
i didn't give up because i knew you were there right beside me.

recently, we stopped talking as much.
which is okay! i just miss you, miss us.
i miss all the joking around we did and the pranks we pulled on our friends and on each other.
i miss our singing duets.
i miss your hugs.
i miss your smile.
i miss your voice.
i miss you.

but i know you have a new boyfriend (congrats to you and chan! took you forever to confess, smh.)

i hope he treats you well!

now, by the time you get this, i'm either dead or in the hospital.
and all i have to say is,
i'm sorry.
i'm so so sorry.
i feel bad for leaving you, for leaving all of you.
but it had to be done.
it wasn't my choice.
i'm so sorry, seungmin.
i hope you have a better and healthier life.

- innie ♥

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