When we arrived I could hear Dumbledore, speaking to someone else who I couldn't recognize. We walked the final couple of steps, Draco going behind me.

He took his wand and pointed it at Dumbledore, as we walked out of the shadows, spotting Dumbledore alone in the middle of the room.

"Good evening Irya, Draco." He greeted us, frowning a bit but staying calm. "What brings you here, on this fine spring evening?"

"Who else is here? I heard you talking." Said Draco, stepping in front of me, obviously trying to sound scary, but instead letting his voice tremble.

"I've been talking aloud to myself. I find it extraordinarily useful." He answered, trying to cover for whoever was with him just a moment ago. I thought I saw movement on the floor below, through a crack on the floor, but I didn't say anything.

"Draco, you are no assassin." Dumbledore said, trying to convince Draco.

"How do you know what I am?" Draco's voice was shaking. "I've done things that would shock you."

"Like cursing Katie Bell and hoping that in return she'd bare a cursed necklace to me? Like replacing a bottle with mead with one laced with poison to give me a drink? I cannot feeling these actions are so weak that your heart can't really have been in."

"It was actually me." I said, stepping forward and pulling out my wand, pointing it at him. "He trusts me. I was chosen." I pulled up my sleeve, showing him the dark mark tattooed on my left arm.

"I shall make it easy for you then." Said Dumbledore, pulling out his wand, but the second he did Draco shouted the expelliarmus charm, disarming him, leaving Dumbledore wandless. Just then a noise was heard below, probably the other death eaters arriving. "There are others, how?" He looked curious, but I know he already knew, I told him.

"The vanishing cabinet in the room of requirement." Draco said quickly, his hand shaking. "I've been mending it."

"It has a sister, a twin." Dumbledore deduced.

"At Borgin and Burke's, they form a passage."

"Genius." He complimented. Then he got serious again. "Draco, Irya, years ago I met a boy who made all the wrong choices. Please let me help you."

"We don't want your help." Snapped Draco. Oh if only he knew. "Don't you understand? We have to do this, we have to kill you. Or he's gonna kill us." Tears were pooling in his eyes, threatening to fall.

Steps were then heard, and seconds later Bellatrix and the rest of the death eaters emerged from the stairs.

"Well, look what we have here." She said, looking at how Draco and I had cornered Dumbledore. She walked to where we were standing, murmuring a 'well done Draco' in Draco's ear, then walking to me, putting a hand on my shoulder, whispering "Good, I didn't expect any less from you."

"Good evening Bellatrix." Called Dumbledore, getting her attention. "I think introductions are in order, don't you?"

"Love to, Albus, but I'm afraid we're all on a bit of a tight schedule." She said like it was a normal everyday conversation. She then looked at me, inpatient for me to do my mission so we could all leave. "Do it!" She ordered me.

I was hesitating, I knew what I had to do, but I suddenly felt like it was impossible.

"She doesn't have the stomach." Said Fenrir Greyback. "Such a disappointment. Let me finish him my own way."

"No!" Bellatrix stopped him. "The Dark Lord was clear. She is to do it." Her voice was firm, scary. "This is your moment, you've trained all your life for this. Do it. Go on, Irya, now!" She yelled, almost making me flinch.

"No." Said a voice, walking up the stairs making his way through the death eaters, until he was next to Draco, it was Snape. He looked at Dumbledore for a second, it was almost like they were having a silent conversation.

"Severus..." Dumbledore's voice was pleading. "Please."

I had enough, we made a plan and I was going to follow it. I was going to do the right thing, for once. I saw from the corner of my eye as Snape raised his wand, but I, having already been pointing my wand at Dumbledore, beat him.

"Avada Kedavra." My voice blank of emotion, as was my face. I felt numb as a green light came out of my wand, hitting Dumbledore square in the chest, killing him and making him fall behind, over the railing and out the tower, free falling all the way to the ground.

I felt Bellatrix's hand squeeze my shoulder, congratulating me. I tried to find Draco's hand to hold, but he moved away, walking fast down the stairs.

That hurt me a lot. I spaced out during all our way out of the castle, only coming back when we were by Hagrid's hut, as Bellatrix decided to set it on fire. Poor Hagrid, I hope Fang and him are okay.

I heard a shout, and looked behind us to see Harry Potter throwing curse after curse towards me and Snape.

"Go." Said Snape, staying a behind as he said something to Potter, while the rest of us kept walking.

We eventually got to a clearing in the forest, and taking Bellatrix's hand we disappeared away to the Malfoy Manor.

Growing up I had been to the Malfoy Manor countless times, as both Narcissa and Bellatrix preferred when Draco and I hung out there instead of the Lestrange's mansion. It had always had a gloomy feeling to it, being such a big cold place, inhabitated only by the three Malfoys and the house elves.

Ever since Voldemort came back and decided to, in addition to Riddle mansion, make the Malfoy Manor basically the death eaters headquarters it had become even more sinister, scary even, like it had noticed the constant dark magic occurring within it's walls.

We walked quickly, Draco still a bit ahead of me ignoring me completely. The big main doors opened for us as we entered the Manor, the cold unwelcoming feeling greeting us.

"You're here!" Said Narcissa when she saw us, going to hug Draco. "What happened? How'd it go?" She said, starting to worry at seeing Draco's shocked, sad face.

"It went splendid" Exclaimed Bellatrix, standing next to me. She was happy and proud for me, it was obvious. "Irya here fought Dumbledore." Well, it wasn't much of a fight if you ask me but whatever you say, Bella. "When we got there she had disarmed him already." It wasn't me, but sure. "And then, right as Severus was going to take her opportunity, she beat him to it and killed him. You should have seen it, she really proved her loyalty tonight."

Draco just looked to the ground, still in shock I could see. I know it's difficult to process, even if I know it was all part of the plan, but he had told me he wouldn't hate me, what changed? Don't get me wrong, I myself still feel numb because of what I just did, but he promised something, and he knew I had to do it.

This is going to change things between us, I can already see it. I only wish it doesn't affect us too much.

Irya Aillie Stark - D. M. (Harry Potter x Marvel)Where stories live. Discover now