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Steve woke up with a groan. He flipped over and turned his obnoxious alarm off. He woke up super early everyday so he could make sure to call his best friend, Robin. He sat up with a yawn, lazily rubbing his eyes.

He threw the blanket off of him, standing up and stretching. He walked over to the phone on his deck, lazily sitting down in the chair. He turned the desk light on with a groan as it burned his eyes. He dialed Robin's number, slumping into the chair. It rang...and rang...and ra-

"Steve!" Robin's raspy voice was wide awake over the phone.

Steve smiled to himself before responding. "Good morning, Rob. How's the band doing?"

"They're doing okay. I've been practicing on my drums a lot more. How's college? Even though today's the first day of classes." She had a smile, though Steve couldn't see it, he could feel it.

"Well, my roomie is Eddie Munson from Corroded Co-"

"What!? You're joking, right?" She yelled into the phone.

"Robin!" Her moms voice was distant in the background.

"Sorry!" She pulled the phone away from her face then put it back to her ear.

Steve chuckled a bit. "I wish I was kidding," he trailed off as he ran a hand through his messy hair. "When I tell you he's a lot more attractive in person."

"Steve Harrington, behave yourself." Robin laughed.

Steve was very open with Robin. I mean, yeah they've only been friends for like four years but they are very close. When Steve even found out about Eddie and his stupid band, he was all heart eyes over the long haired prick.

"I will, not like I'm gonna throw myself onto him." Which was right, Steve wasn't that type of person. Sure, he'd throw hints here and there.

"Try not to, I remember your face when he first brought up our band in an interview." Rob sighed as she tried to rush and get her homework done before she had to go to her class. She just chose to go to a community College.

"And it was the same day we became rivals, don't forget that." Steve rolled his eyes as he looked at himself in the mirror on his wall. "I also have to get ready for class. I'll talk to you later, Rob."

"Talk to you later, Steve. I hope you have an amazing first day." She yawned softly which caused Steve to yawn aswell. He placed the phone back down on the receiver, getting up to search for clothes. He picked random stuff and placed it out onto his bed. He grabbed a towl and made his way to the bathroom.

He started the water with a sigh, waiting for it to heat up. Stretching one more time and stopped to look at his shirtless body in the mirror. He tilted his head to see his ribs were lightly showing and his eye bags were horrible. He just shrugged it off and stepped into the shower.

The hot water hitting his skin made his body relax. All his tense muscles untensed as he ran his hands through his hair, making sure to get it wet.

After fifteen minutes or so, he got out of the shower. He dried most of himself off and wrapped a towl around his waist. He grabbed a cotton swab and walked out the bathroom. He opened Eddie's door to see he was still fast asleep.

Steve leaned against the door frame as he cleaned his ear. "Eddie." Steve called out, attempting to wake him up. He rolled his eyes before shouting "Eddie!"

Eddie shot up with a groan. "What?" He looked over to Steve, who was just in a towel and his wet hair in his face. 

"Wake up and get ready for class." Steve crossed his arms as Eddie rapidly blinked.

Battle of the Bands (Steddie)Where stories live. Discover now